Monday, December 6, 2010


Here's just a little bit of randomness captured on my phone.

 Washington Monument
 We couldn't get the timing quite right, but I wanted to capture the bright sunset anyways...excuse the blurry photo.

 I guess Mom just realized I was sitting next to her or something...

 We went to a Sports Bar to watch the Oregon vs. Arizona game while my parents were here.

 Christmas has landed in our home.  Out of curiosity I looked outside the window to see if other apartments in our area were decorated (yes, I was a peeping Tom for a second). Much to my surprise I could only see a few Christmas lights or trees through windows...what's wrong with these people?!?  I guess I'll have to make up for them!

1 comment:

Jamie Stavenger said...

What a cozy little home you have, Heather! Good work!