Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dry-Eyed Farewell

It has happened again.  This time the moment slipped itself into existence so gently I wasn't aware of it until yesterday morning when I couldn't get enough ideas jotted down onto my Holiday Season List.  A slight chill in the air has churned inside me the desire to pack away the pool towels, wash swimsuits and board shorts for storage, and say "see you next year" to my bright colors of decor.  Autumn has found herself sitting on my front stoop, and I'm welcoming her in. 
The ever-changing welcome signs on our front door is just a small sign that I'm a lover of seasons.  I relish in them.  Just when I think I've discovered my favorite time of year, a new season falls upon us, and I'm convinced it is my new fav.  Summer's toxic desire to be outside and enjoy the air that wraps itself around everything will be missed, but there are no tears in saying good bye.  She'll be back next year. 

Before we know it, these pretty little ladies will be dancing upon the branches once again.  But until then, we will relish in watching the earth hunker down and brace itself for the chill.  Soon, it won't just be random bark dust that Hutch will be after on our walks.  He will be bounding through piles of leaves.
The ideas are streaming with a vengeance--not even salmon could get through my current of inspiration.  Recipes are gathered and craft projects are forming.  I've even gone to the trouble of researching our local library's ebook check-out process in preparation for evenings spent cuddled up on the couch.
Thank goodness Jesse puts up with my desire to embrace the seasons--he just smiles and says, "The house looks nice."
Happy season transition to you all! 
(Hmmm...I just got a wonderful idea for a children's book about seasons!  Dad--feel in the mood to illustrate?)

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