Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend Warriors, We Are Not

There's a show on HGTV (or is it TLC?) called Weekend Warriors.  Homeowners tackle a big house project and complete it in just one weekend, proving HGTV's stance that you can do anything...that is until you need a professional designer, an architect, and then yeah, you mind as well hire a contractor too. 

Anyways...we did just the opposite this weekend.  Woohoo!  We ignored the dust bunnies dancing on the coffee table, and I forced myself to turn my face from the feathers falling from the ceiling whenever Kolby flew around. my house sounds nasty!  What we did do was relax and spend time together.  Friday night we stayed inside and watched Lovely Bones, which I suggest to anyone who would like to see an artistic film.  Saturday I went to a Leah Sofia party, finding myself again reassured that these parties are almost comical at how gimmicky they are.  But regardless of the silliness, it was fun to spend time with other ladies.  We found ourselves at  Jeff Dunham show on Saturday, compliments of my boss. An evening of laughter is by far the best way to end a day.  And Sunday wrapped up our Un-Weekend Warrior selves with youth group. Oh, and did I mention that it's COLD outside??? I love it!!!!

I'll get him to take a serious photo one of these days...

This is what I found on Saturday morning...

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