Wednesday, February 13, 2013


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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Random Photo #1

So, my mom made it quite clear that whether I have something to say or not, she'd like to at least see a photo.  Perhaps this is a sure sign she's feeling better because she's bored.  You know, Mom...we were never allowed to say that when we were growing up. :) Maybe you should go dust or vacuum. Haha!

And, because I really don't have much to say is the random photo per her request.  Homemade Chicken Alfredo on Spinach Fettuccine.  Yum, Yum, Yum.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Living in big cities has taught me a few things about myself.  One--Just because all the girls are wearing it, doesn't mean I have to join the crowd. Two--the work will still be there in the morning.  Three--When it comes to the norm, I have a hard time swimming upstream.

As I got ready for work this morning, Pandora was blasting on my phone.  Songs like "Wonderful" and "Glorious God" loudly streamed from the speakers, and before I realized it, tears were rolling down my cheeks.  I put my hairdryer down, stared at the face in the mirror and realized I hadn't prayed to God all week.  I'd thought about him, and I'd pondered my temptations and struggles in life, but I hadn't stopped and actually talked to Him.  Work, life, projects, all of it had gotten in the way.  The emptiness inside suddenly felt overwhelmingly big, and for the first time in a long time I accepted the fact that I've been trying to survive on my own strength.  When my heart has hurt, I've attempted to calm it with my own hopes.  When I've been faced with temptation, I've relied on my own (humanly weak) strength to walk away.

How is it that a girl like me--someone who grew up in a Christian home, practically lived at church, and has seen the awesome wonders of God--so easily has fallen away from even talking to that same God?  As I drove in to work, "It is Well" came on, and the tears started rolling again.  I looked up into the sky and imagined Jesus returning from Heaven on His white horse, parting the clouds as they obey His every command.  I wondered what I might be doing at that moment, and it was then I saw how I've been sucked into the city life of living on my own time and my own interests.

This habit won't be an easy one to break.  It feels daunting, and even impossible, but the emptiness inside feels even bigger.  I imagine God was standing beside me as I looked into that mirror, watching my tears roll.  He probably had His hand on my back quietly whispering, "You are my beloved.  You are mine.  You are loved.  I am the answer."  I imagine He smiled when He saw my heart break for Him.  And I imagine His own heart has been breaking as He's waited for me to turn toward Him.

All I hear right now is "You are my beloved."

Monday, February 4, 2013

French Country...Heather Style

I've been slowly making my apartment feel more like my home. While I verge on being obsessed with keeping things tidy, I'm not a fan of stark white walls and clean lines.  In fixing my place up, I've discovered my style...french country with a twist.  And this weekend, I added to it a new fireplace mantel!
Painting furniture has not been one of my so-called talents, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now.  I'd originally planned on painting a few coats on the mantel and distressing it in places, but after I saw the look of one coat, I was sold.  Confession: I woke up thirty minutes early this morning (sans alarm) and flew to the living room to decorate it after letting it dry all night.  The mirror was a special find...only $39!!!
My $16.99 table lamp
Framed Grandma West's cross-stitched tea towels for the kitchen

Friday, February 1, 2013


{Insert White Christmas train scene as Bing and crew sing my favorite "snow" song....}

This morning, I woke up to a blustery day.  Add some snow to that swirling wind, and you have a DC Metro blizzard (which really just means light snow flying violently through the air trying to cling to anything it can safely land upon).  We got just enough to make the barren land beautiful again.  What a beautiful way to wake up to a Friday. Hutch wasn't quite as fond of the beauty as he couldn't figure out how to pee without being blown over by a white cloud.  Nevertheless, he got the job done, we ran back inside, and now I'm stuck at work to wait out the day until I can return home and enjoy my cozy home.

Pictures of my latest project coming soon. :)