Thursday, September 22, 2011

Here's Your Sign

"We are called to love first, and keep on loving when that love is not returned."  This simple idea, stated on the local Christian radio station, has been (excuse the facebook term) poking me.  I can't get it out of my mind, and so I should probably take heed of the words and discover why God has placed this on my heart.

Loving those who don't love back is DIFFICULT.  Bill Engvall would now say, "Here's your sign."  But honestly, isn't it interesting that even our love for others is selfish?  If it's not returned; if we don't receive back some sort of attention or adoration, we lose interest in loving that person.  I can remember when I was in high school, there was this guy who happened to be in every single one of my classes (minus gym which was compiled of girls who hated running and opted for aerobics on mats).  He was obnoxious, irritating, and most of all, I considered him to be unlovable.  There were days I despised him.  But a simple lesson on love at Wednesday night Youth Group woke me up and made me realize he was lovable.  In fact, he was in desperate need of love, and I could give it.

Since then, there have been many people in my life who have been difficult to love.  Whether it's a coworker, a friend, someone taking up two lanes in the parking lot--whomever--we as children of God are called to LOVE them as He loves us.  Ummm...can I just say, THAT IS HARD!!!  Yet, we're told He gives us nothing we do not have the strength while it IS difficult to love some, He gives us the strength to do so.

We are all unlovable at times (for me, it's more often that I'd like to admit).  If we can learn to love as an act of worship rather than an act of selfishness, so many more people could be reached.  It may be difficult, but we have every power to do it.

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