Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Warming the Vocal Chords

I realized something yesterday.  I don't sing out loud as often as I once did.  Without choir or being apart of a worship team, my vocal chords are left to my own measure of discipline.  The reason for my realization?
I sing to Christmas music all day long.

Since Thanksgiving day, our radio has been set to the Christmas station, and Manheim Steamroller has been relocated from the sleeve to the tray.  "Silent Night" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" have forced my dwindling soprano voice to go to new heights.  Those high notes are nothing after a good cup of coffee and a donut by the way.

I think perhaps I was born with special fibers in my body that react to the holidays.  Some folks find this season stressful as they fight crowds to purchase that one toy Little Johnny wants so badly.  Others find it depressing because it's a reminder of pain and loss.  And some don't celebrate it it all.  But then there's the folks like me who blossom amidst the gifting challenges and constant baking.  I'll bake a batch of cookies just to make my home smell like Christmas.  The point is, this time of year is different for everyone, yet it's really not when we stop to think beyond the surface. 

Jesus was born a baby.  After spending a long weekend with my adorable nephew, Kelton, I had an even greater image of what it must've been like for young Mary and Joseph.  They weren't married, and they probably barely knew each other because back then dating didn't exist--and I'm sure even the courting was kept well-controlled.  Yet, there they were, stuck in a barn (or a cave for those who differ on your theological facts), experiencing the laborious efforts to birth a child.  Can you imagine?  And then, suddenly, just when she thought she could take no more, God blessed Mary with a baby boy, and they named Him Jesus.  They knew He was the Chosen One.  They knew He was the Messiah.  But they also knew He was their sweet tiny baby boy who needed them.  He needed to be fed and changed, and I'm sure He screamed just as Kelton does when He was hungry.  That is what is the same for all of us during this season. 

Christmas music is fun to sing to, but more importantly, I enjoy it because many of the songs are a reminder of why we celebrate this holiday.  Despite the history of Christmas trees and pagan traditions, it all points back to that single baby boy.  He wasn't born inside a palace, and He certainly wasn't born into wealth.   Yet, here we are, still celebrating His birthday (give or take a few months and days).

Sing loudly when the songs come on.  Praise the Father THE SON and the Holy Spirit.  This season is a time to rejoice in the fact that God sent His Son to earth to save each of us.  Despite our flaws and brokenness, God still desires to have a relationship with us.  I don't know about you, but that leaves me with goosebumps.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Never Forgetting...

This little guy is a good reminder of our friends back in Florida...wait, that doesn't sound quite right.  Our friends don't look like manatees, but they do live near them! :)

We had some friends from Florida visit us this past weekend, and it reminded me of how each of the folks we met in Daytona are dear to my heart.  I longed to move away from that location (and I am still not a fan of the climate and terrain), but I underestimated how much I'd miss our friends.

He may be an ornament, but this little manatee reminds me to appreciate the time we have with those who around us now.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, Monday

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  Dinner with the Storms and a chance to meet new family members (who knew that I was related to all of Minnesota).  Kick-off of several craft and gifting projects.  Early morning shopping on Black Friday.  Wounds to bandage.  Lunch with friends from Florida.  And much much more.  Words won't say enough, so here are some quick photos from my it my Monday Morning Phone Dump.
What in this picture does not belong???


Jesse must've been around...

Stores didn't have the right "Puppy's first ornament" so I decided to make it myself...

He's not so sure.

I added a little touch of Christmas here and there, thanks to our apartment management allowing me to cut sprigs of holly

Too long of a story to explain...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving In to Cheer

I finally gave in last night and plugged in the tree.  I decorated our home for Christmas VERY early this year, knowing that time was limited before my first Christmas party.  So while my home is decked with Christmas cheer, I have been so embarrassed of my pre-punctuality that I've fought the urge to turn on the lights.  I have even been pulling the shades so people can't see I've jumped the gun.

But last night, the smells of pot roast and the chilly air fought back, and they won.  I lit her up for all her glory (and notice I didn't even pull the shades!)

Oh wait, I suppose it's WAY TOO EARLY to say that yet. :)

More appropriately, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
There are many blessings to be thankful for this year--some that stand out the most--time with family and friends thanks to visits and trips, stable employment, opportunity to pay off debt, and most of all, the reassurance that we have a loving Father who cares for the big and small situations in life.  We're thankful for the continual influence Jesse's dad has on our lives and decisions we make, and we're thankful that we have family who love us despite our mistakes and quirks.  We may devour a plateful of food tomorrow, but all the while, we're thinking of you!  We are thankful for YOU!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear Blog, Take II

It rained Seaside today. No torrential downpours, just a misty blanket of wet, has settled over the DC Metro area. Tiny droplets cling to the few remaining leaves on the barren branches, and puddles are topped with nature’s red and yellow ornaments. A friend at work was trying to explain why today was “nasty.” She said, “It’s not dark out—it’s not light out—the blue is gone—it’s wet…” Before she could continue I interrupted and simply said, “It’s overcast.” Her response: “Oh! What a perfect word to describe all that!” Too bad I can’t take credit for an everyday term I grew up with!

Overcast days remind me of home. For my friend, this day is less than lovely, but for me—oh boy, this day is one of my favorites! We don’t get them often, so when we do, I take it all in. The air is cold—the kind of crispness that makes your nostrils flare and the tip of your nose to become rosy. The wind is still, leaving the droplets undesturbed to cling to every surface, including eye lashes. If I close my eyes, I can almost convince myself I’m standing in my front yard on 5th Avenue. It’s a Seaside day.

To top it off, we will be greeted by two of the most loveliest things when we return home this evening. One—a wiggly puppy who will stand up on his hind legs in anticipation of being picked up. Two—the scent of home. Thanks to my crockpot, dinner is making itself as we speak. Yummy potroast with homemade rolls. Mmmmmm.

The day may have started out rough (see my original blog for the day), but it sure has wrapped itself up nicely.

Dear Blog,

Most days I arrive to work with a list of tasks to accomplish already streaming through my busy little head.  Most mornings I start off with a cup of tea and *sigh* a cinnamon sugar pop tart (yes, I know, not the greatest nutrition for an adult woman, but I like to think I'm connecting with my inner child...or something like that).  Most afternoons, by the time the clock strikes three, I have gotten a great many things done.  And most evenings, when I walk the catwalk to the parking garage (there's a building under construction next to our office, so I feel as though the music could start playing and the lights could start flashing.  Gotta love construction sites.), I feel satisfied with a good days work. 

This week is not like most weeks.

The big boss is gone on vacation, and while my tea and cinnamon poptart are keeping me company this morning, I still feel the rush from being behind.  Bills to pay, construction sites to manage, customers to serve, meetings to cancel, trips to plan, agendas to create, minutes to review, appointments to schedule, and the list goes on.  Oofta!  It's completely overwhelming.  So what do I do?  I pop onto my good ol' blog to write about it and release the steam.  Good bye pressure!

And because you can never see enough pictures of he is trying to get my attention by pulling on my pajama pants drawstring.  He's become quite the jumper.

Monday, November 21, 2011

"Happiness is a Warm Puppy"

Hollywood is notorious for its dog bling.  Rinestone collars, leather vests, and sequined dresses are all the rage. I suppose if DC was to follow suit, its dogs would have ties or black pumps on.  Hutch is a completely different matter all together.  Yes, he wears clothesm but it's not necessarily because I insist.  Hutch likes wearing clothes.  For example, his hoody was draped over the dining room chair, so he barked until we put it on him.  He doesn't have his own closet, and his wardrobe is limited to three items plus a I don't have issues, I promise. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Company, Halt!

There's a scene in the movie, Raising Helen, that has impacted me beyond the normal "wow, that was cool."  Its power speaks through its subtlety.  Helen receives a phone call on her cell while dining with work friends.  The expression on her face reveals to the audience that something is wrong, but you don't know what.  The camera slowly zooms away from her face, and you begin to see that the hustle and bustle of the restaurant continues, but she remains frozen in pain.  You later learn that on the other line, someone has just informed her that her sister and brother-in-law were killed in an accident.

Life is like that, isn't it?  We experience some sort of pain, whether it be a loss, an illness, a failure, and it feels like our own world has completely halted to a stop (there's no rolling about it).  Yet when we look around, nothing about our own experience keeps anyone else from moving forward.  Losing Jesse's dad jolted us.  Our world isn't the same, yet everyone around us seems to continue on as before. 

The song, Someone Worth Dying For by Mikeschair was playing on the radio this morning, and it hit me.  We are not the only ones who have lost a father.  I am not the only one who feels like the world has stopped.  How many others out there feel like me?  I've been so caught up in my own grief and making sure that Jesse is okay that I've ceased to notice others who appear frozen in time.

This world is bigger than we'll ever know, yet God has given us the ability to recognize needs.  We're not a land of make-believe, and our pain and joys are real.  Maybe in order to get through grief, it also means to recognize you're not alone in it. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh The Shame

Here's a hint to what I did the other evening...much too soon might I add.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photo Blast!

So a hint to my embarassing yet fun accomplishment is yet to come...I was lazy last night and did nothing but play with Hutch and watch a little television. Plus, I went to bed EARLY!!! Woot Woot!

Here are some more photos from our family photo session a couple months ago. All photos by Laura Yang Photography.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Better Late Than Never

I worked diligently on a project last night, and I'm both embarassed and excited to reveal the final product.

coming soon...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Brothers, Brothers. There were never such devoted brothers.

These two are inseperable.  The two of them spent most of Saturday afternoon playing together, sharing Hutch's bone, and preening each others feathers and weird.
I tried to capture their bonding on video, but every time I grabbed the camera, they'd become this video is a tad bit boring...but at least you get a feel for what might happen. LOL

Friday, November 11, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside

It really is quite chilly outside, and I'm LOVING a day at home.  Jesse is working, so Hutch and I are having a quiet afternoon to ourselves.  Here are some results of the day so far...
Molasses Cookies!!!  My home is smelling mighty fine after whipping these babies up.

How could anyone resist this little face?

Showing off his big boy skills

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our God is Greater

“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’” Job 37:5-6 NIV

Thunder can make a grown man jump.  Snow can bring any city to a standstill.  Rain can make the entire Los Angeles area turn from a hazy pink-grey to a bright blue.  And who is behind each command?  God.

He is powerful.  He is mighty.
He is above all things.

And He is above the worries of this earth. 

Living in the DC Metro area has been eye-opening in many ways.  Anyone who visits here for an extended period of time would eventually realize our news stations are unlike any others across the country.  We are inundated with politics, drama, and there is a drive to "educate" this population on every diverse view known to mankind.  Right and wrong doesn't exist.  Relativity has taken over, and forums argue for weeks about black and white issues that have been muddled into a dingy puddle of grey.

Yet God is bigger.  God is stronger.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One of Those Days

Do you ever have days where you wake up, immediately knowing it's going to be one of those days?  Your head hasn't even left the pillow and you feel it.  For me, that not only means I'd rather stay in bed than face what may happen, but it also means I will stand in the closet and think I have absolutely nothing to wear.  I had three outfits on today before I finally settled on something, and for no reason other than it's one of those days.
blooms in autumn
Normally I'd question why today has to be it, but deep down I know.  I'm falling behind.  Just this morning, it was my first priority to go through my email inbox and fish out all the emails I'd been ignoring and actually respond to them.  It's going to take a good day or two to finish that marvelous project.  Jesse is working late hours, I'm working late hours, and Hutch is getting irritated at my lifeless body when he wants to play. 

BUT, enough with my complaining...Friday is a holiday!!!  Thank Heavens for holidays at the end of the week.  I won't have to pick out an outfit--my jeans and tshirt will do.  I won't have to face my bulging inbox--it can wait until Monday.  I can bake, clean, play with the dog, and spend some much needed time with Jesse.  Hooray!!!

So to One of those days: you cannot conquer me...after all, I DID pick out an outfit! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Helping the Hungry

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.
-Mother Teresa

Our youth group is currently in a series called Get Dirty.  We are reading through Nehemiah and opening our students' eyes to the world outside their own.  This past Sunday, we challenged our small group to see what they often ignore.  In a matter of minutes, we filled a white board of problems in the world and examples of people hurting. After we listed these problems out, I then challenged them to pick just one thing on the board they could individually help.  Bullying, arguing at home, hunger in Haiti, homelessness across the world, etc.  They soon realized it doesn't take a rich adult to help--a high school girl can do something for others.

To further challenge them, I asked them to select just one item--one project we can tackle as a group during this holiday season.  I was nervous.  I thought for sure they'd kick back on this idea, but they surprised me the moment I saw a twinkle in one of the students' eyes.  It was contagious.  As a group, we've decided to provide supplies to an orphanage in Haiti through a missionary working with Living Water.  I'm completely stoked about this opportunity, and I'm especially excited that these girls want to help.

Three days ago, these girls were thinking about what to wear to school or how to react when that cute boy asks her out...but now, they're also thinking about children who are hungry in another country. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend Warriors, We Are Not

There's a show on HGTV (or is it TLC?) called Weekend Warriors.  Homeowners tackle a big house project and complete it in just one weekend, proving HGTV's stance that you can do anything...that is until you need a professional designer, an architect, and then yeah, you mind as well hire a contractor too. 

Anyways...we did just the opposite this weekend.  Woohoo!  We ignored the dust bunnies dancing on the coffee table, and I forced myself to turn my face from the feathers falling from the ceiling whenever Kolby flew around. my house sounds nasty!  What we did do was relax and spend time together.  Friday night we stayed inside and watched Lovely Bones, which I suggest to anyone who would like to see an artistic film.  Saturday I went to a Leah Sofia party, finding myself again reassured that these parties are almost comical at how gimmicky they are.  But regardless of the silliness, it was fun to spend time with other ladies.  We found ourselves at  Jeff Dunham show on Saturday, compliments of my boss. An evening of laughter is by far the best way to end a day.  And Sunday wrapped up our Un-Weekend Warrior selves with youth group. Oh, and did I mention that it's COLD outside??? I love it!!!!

I'll get him to take a serious photo one of these days...

This is what I found on Saturday morning...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sloooow Down!

Just yesterday I explained my lack of blog presence, and I have to admit, I squirmed in my seat as I wrote it.  I don't like making excuses, and I especially don't like admitting I'm too busy for friends and family.  This blog has never really been my thing--in fact, there are days I begrudgingly post a little blip, only doing so because I know my dad will log on to read it a couple hours later.  But it's those moments when I feel writer's block or realize my lack of photos is leaving me with nothing that I find a small piece of joy.  These silly little posts will never become famous like others (my favorite blog I follow is Enjoying the Small Things), but they are a way to communicate something important.  I care about you! 

Nothing has changed from yesterday as far as the amount of work piling up.  I debated on taking a photo of my list for today (which I can tell you is not going to be completed), but then realized it's not what's important. What IS important is that I stay focused on what matters.  Making time may not be possible, but I can try.

Yesterday was Jesse's parents anniversary, and I missed it.  Caught up in my suddenly overwhelming work load, I forgot to send a card.  I forgot to greet her in the morning with a note.  I forgot.  Family is most important, and I allowed work to consume me.  A lack of time isn't a sign of less love, it's just a sign of less effort.  Love isn't felt unless it's expressed, and I can't express it unless I make time.

Work will always be here, special little moments will not.  Piles will continue to grow skyward, but phone calls do not make themselves.  It all requires my effort, my attention, my attempt at making time.  I'm sorry for making excuses yesterday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Life Gets Busy

My posts are dwindling. When I'd like to spend my morning hours selecting photos from the week and attempting to make our mundane schedule sparkle, I just don't have time.  And believe me, that is one of my least favorite phrases, "I don't have time."  I'm the first to say, "MAKE TIME!" 
But this time, I really don't even have the opportunity to make it. Soooo, this is me saying, sorry to those who ask me why I'm not blogging every day (especially you, Mom).  I hope meetings and presentations and minutes and projects will ALL slow down in the coming weeks. 
Until then, go outside and enjoy this beautiful fall we're having!!!