Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snippet of Christmas

While in Oregon, Jesse and I drove out to St Helens to visit Grandpa and Grandma Nelson.  He had just undergone open heart surgery and was being cared for at a rehabilitation center. An added treat was that Holly drove out, and Dad was already there. It was a mini Christmas minus one important person: Mom.

I sliced my finger open, leading us on our way to get some emergency stitches. Fun way to spend Christmas!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

We'll Be Home For Christmas

After our snow fall, most cars in this area look salty and crusty.  Perhaps I wouldn't care so much if we were still driving Higgins, our Honda Civic, but somehow our bright red 2010 Corolla screams "Clean me!"  What better afternoon adventure is there than driving through a car wash?
 Last night, Jesse and I celebrated Christmas together, opening gifts from each other before boarding our flight to Oregon on Tuesday.  So far, since being married, we've yet to have a "normal" Christmas where it occurs on just one day...I guess we have a knack for spreading out the Christmas cheer!
So, we're headed home to Silverton to spend Christmas with Jesse's family.  We'll also get to see some Nelson clan, hop-skip-and-jumping over to St. Helens to check in on Grandpa Nelson.  Oregon, here we  come!

Friday, December 17, 2010


We got snow yesterday!!!  My thermostat at work is still broken, so I decided to take some action...hence my hat!
There's our little red car burried under snow.  It was very exciting to watch about 5 hours of snow fall during work.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

At the Cross

To the cross I look.  To the cross I cling.
Of its suffering I do drink.  Of its work I do sing.
On it my Savior, both bruised and crushed,
Showed that God is love, and God is just.

At the cross you, beckon me, draw me gently to my knees,
And I am lost for words, so lost in love, I'm sweetly broken, wholly surrendered.

What a priceless gift: undeserved life, have I been given through Christ crucified.
You've called me out of death, You've called me into life.
I was under Your wrath, now through the cross, I'm reconciled.

In awe of the cross I must confess,
How wondrous Your redeeming love, and how great is your faithfulness!

Broken for You...I'm broken for You, my Lord.
Jesus, all that's left, oh I am sweetly broken.

Monday, December 13, 2010


The past four sermons at church have been on ritual.  When I first sat down and read the topic, a few things came to mind: sacrifice, religion, and even evil.  Of course I didn't think the pastor would get on stage and teach about witchcraft, but I honestly wasn't thinking on the right plain of intellect.  In fact, the last thing that came to mind was tradition, habit, and recurrence.  Now that the term ritual has broadened, I've begun to think about the importance of ritual inside our home.  What traditions or practices do we keep, and why are they important to us?
Just this past weekend, I went to a Christmas party.  There, the hostess, a good friend of mine, shared with all of us a family tradition she's continued on in her own home.  Growing up as an Army Brat (as she likes to call herself), her family moved frequently. One year, their move was around Christmas, and the packed-up decorations didn't make it to their new home in time.  Karen's mom decided the girls should bake and decorate cookies to hang on the Christmas tree that year.  Every Christmas since then, their family has baked and hung their cookies on the tree along with the other ornaments.  After the Christmas party, we were each encouraged to take a cookie home with us as a reminder...little did Karen know that her cookie reminds me about a lot more than just a fun loving reminds me of other rituals more important: blessing, gifts of love, Christ's sacrifice, and family.   

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Catering for the Heart

Lunch was catered today, meaning two things.  One: Everyone eats lunch even if they aren't hungry--who misses a free lunch?  Two:  Everyone congregates at various desks and converses over their plates piled high with sandwiches and double servings of cookies. The topic today within our group was cursing.  The general opinion was that children still living at home should not include four letter words in their vocabulary, at home or on the street.  Curious to see where this topic would lead, I took backseat and listened rather than contributed.  While the commonality poo-pooed children cursing, a very large issue was neglected.  No one uttered a word about the adults cursing. In fact, the general neglect of that matter was that it's a no-brainer that parents will curse, but children shouldn't let anything slip off their tongues.  Interesting, huh. 
It's now a couple hours later, and this topic is still fresh on my mind. It makes me wonder what around me influences the words I say or the tone I use?  Who around me rubs off on me and affects my personality?  The answer to these two questions alarmed me.  We're not currently highly involved at our church, so the majority of our time is spent with coworkers. Would I want to resemble my life after theirs?  Not particularly.  All the more reason to be aware of how I act, what I say, and how I say it.  Funny how catering turns from a plate of food to food for thought. 

Monday, December 6, 2010


Here's just a little bit of randomness captured on my phone.

 Washington Monument
 We couldn't get the timing quite right, but I wanted to capture the bright sunset anyways...excuse the blurry photo.

 I guess Mom just realized I was sitting next to her or something...

 We went to a Sports Bar to watch the Oregon vs. Arizona game while my parents were here.

 Christmas has landed in our home.  Out of curiosity I looked outside the window to see if other apartments in our area were decorated (yes, I was a peeping Tom for a second). Much to my surprise I could only see a few Christmas lights or trees through windows...what's wrong with these people?!?  I guess I'll have to make up for them!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

The table was set.
 Places were marked.
 Desserts were made with love.
 Breaks from the kitchen were enjoyed.
 Sparkling Cider bubbled.
 Thank you, Dad and Mom, for flying out to Virginia to spend Thanksgiving with us.  We enjoyed the hugs, the laughter, and just getting to enjoy time spent with both of you!

We ventured to Mount Vernon. but the rain and dark sky directed our steps to the restaurant instead.

 Mom enjoyed the Peanut Butter soup...she may be the only person within 50 miles who actually liked it.
After lunch at Mount Vernon, we decided to drive to the Natural History museum. Jesse and Dad parked the car while Mom and I waited in the freezing cold (and drippy) weather.

 The sun decided to come out on Monday, so while Jesse was at work, Dad, Mom, and I ventured back out to Mount Vernon to explore the plantation.
 Mom was kind enough to ride in a wheelchair to prevent her knee from killing her.  I have the callouses to prove that we pushed her up hills and through aisles.  What a fun memory!

 Aladdin the Christmas Camel...