When the refrigerator is stocked, the electricity runs without interruption, and the Netflix movies arrive right on schedule, it's easy to overlook them. What happens when the money doesn't run as plentiful, and the pantry begins to become bare? We certainly notice that. The same goes for health. Most of us hop out of bed (okay, some stumble out), get ready, walk to our vehicles, and then for the rest of the day, we move about performing our duties. We don't notice these things, we just do them out of habit--out of necessity. But, what happens if we can't even begin to think about getting out of bed or taking a shower? What if we can't climb the stairs to our office building? We certainly notice that.
Jesse hasn't been feeling well these past several days, and I realize now more than most times how blessed we are to be able to perform daily responsibilities. Just how our bodies tolerate a meal is a blessing. I guess I may be rambling a bit here, but it's become so aware to me how much I take for granted. I look around me right now and see an apartment full of furniture and STUFF. Many days, I walk right past all this stuff and neglect to even have regard for it. Many places in the world would think me a queen, and so often times I feel a pauper.
I'm reminded, especially this week, to be thankful for what I do have and not wanting of what I don't have. We are blessed.