Monday, September 21, 2009

Joy Amidst Trial

Jesse’s second Remicade infusion went well, again without any complications. Thankfully, he hasn’t had any adverse reactions beyond some minor lower back ache. We continue to pray that God would use this drug to heal his body and fix that colon of his. It would be so amazing if this works and Jesse can return to his love: physical activity.
We were talking to a friend yesterday about relationships and such and it came up that Jesse has been sick ever since I’ve known him—it’s strange to consider I’ve never known my own husband to do all the things he loves. When I think about how much he’s had to give up, it breaks my heart. For someone who loves being outside and being active, Jesse has taken his condition in a manner that only Christ could give him strength for. If you lived near, you’d know what I was talking about. Jesse doesn’t complain—he could be griping about not being able to go play basketball with his friends or always complain about how he doesn’t feel well—but he doesn’t. He does what he can and pushes himself to get better.
I say all of this to let you know how to pray for him. It’s easy for me to report his condition and progress in healing, but I can’t even begin to imagine what goes on inside his heart and mind. Please pray he’d be healed, but also pray God would put joy in his life—little things to look forward to on this journey of his. We went to a park this week to shoot hoops, and I have to say it was the first time in quite a while the smile on his face stuck like plaster.

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