Thursday, December 9, 2010

Catering for the Heart

Lunch was catered today, meaning two things.  One: Everyone eats lunch even if they aren't hungry--who misses a free lunch?  Two:  Everyone congregates at various desks and converses over their plates piled high with sandwiches and double servings of cookies. The topic today within our group was cursing.  The general opinion was that children still living at home should not include four letter words in their vocabulary, at home or on the street.  Curious to see where this topic would lead, I took backseat and listened rather than contributed.  While the commonality poo-pooed children cursing, a very large issue was neglected.  No one uttered a word about the adults cursing. In fact, the general neglect of that matter was that it's a no-brainer that parents will curse, but children shouldn't let anything slip off their tongues.  Interesting, huh. 
It's now a couple hours later, and this topic is still fresh on my mind. It makes me wonder what around me influences the words I say or the tone I use?  Who around me rubs off on me and affects my personality?  The answer to these two questions alarmed me.  We're not currently highly involved at our church, so the majority of our time is spent with coworkers. Would I want to resemble my life after theirs?  Not particularly.  All the more reason to be aware of how I act, what I say, and how I say it.  Funny how catering turns from a plate of food to food for thought. 

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