Thursday, March 11, 2010

Driving, Smoking, and Cell Phones Don't Mix

It didn't take long to realize the likelihood of us getting into a car accident here was more than double our chance in Florida. People are on a mission, and if you get in their way, look out! They have the Lindsay Lohan mentality that life is all about them and their needs.
Last night, we were rear-ended by a woman who was clearly not content with just driving. She also was talking on the phone and holding a cigarette in the other hand. Now, I'm not going to say I never talk on the phone while driving--I do, but hands-free and only in areas where there aren't a ton of stoplights and traffic changes. Oprah may have a point with her new mission to get cell phones out of cars....okay, I won't go that far, but there is a problem for sure!

Auto body shop and chiropractor here we come...


1 comment:

Sueso said...

OH did I miss this!? So glad you are are, right? We got nailed (Bob & the kids..I was at the dentist) by a city bus! Of course, the guy said right away that it was Bob's