Life always moves on. We’ve jumped back into the swing of things, and Jesse has done an incredible job at slowly regaining strength to continue working and writing his research paper. Last Friday was his first Remicaid infusion, and the whole experience seemed to go without a glitch (though I suppose Jesse should be the one writing this so he could give THE accurate portrayal). So far, we haven’t really seen any changes in his digestive system, but continue to pray that this treatment will be successful.
Though not a student any longer because he’s not enrolled in classes, Jesse will continue to work on completing his research paper so he can officially complete his Masters program. In the meantime, he’s working on a project for Embry Riddle as well as tutoring undergrad students throughout the week. Jesse is just so incredible—I’m so proud of him for all the hard work he’s put into this program. We’re still waiting on jobs, so when we know something for sure, we’ll definitely post it up.
I’m still pluggin’ away at my position at NASCAR, which continues to be interesting. Without a specific job description at this time, I just do whatever needs to be done—anything from editing documents to scanning contracts to testing out software. It’s been a humbling process and probably very good for me. Middle School Youth has been going strong, and with the new school year started, we’ve seen some new faces, which is always exciting. This coming weekend, we’re doing sleepovers—one for the guys, and another for the girls. It will be good to hang out with them away from the church and grow closer.
God has been faithful to us throughout the hurdles we’ve jumped the past several weeks. He’s surrounded us with loving friends and family and has sent encouragement in creative ways. I’ve been in awe at how, despite my ability to put my Bible on the shelf and not always listen to God first, He still takes care of me and loves me. Wow—God is such an amazing Father. I’m reminded every day at His Hand in our life.