If anyone questions God's existence, tell them about our life. Whether we needed financial help, medical wisdom, or even career direction, God has always been right there. He has placed His hand so heavily upon us, it's almost unbelievable. If it weren't for miracles in the Bible like water turned into wine and a man raised from the dead, I'd be prone to think it was merely by chance. But growing up knowing a personal Savior has taught me to see crazy happenings as miracles rather than good luck.
Just last night, yet another MIRACLE occurred. Our landlord informed us a couple weeks ago our rent would increase to an amount we knew we couldn't afford. Being the proactive people we are, Jesse immediately began searching online for alternatives, and we even visited one option last weekend. We knew if they wouldn't accept our counter offer, we would be required to move in under two months.
Jesse received a voicemail yesterday evening from our landlord saying they understood our hesitation on signing a new lease at the proposed price, and they'd like to offer a second leasing agreement. You won't believe this...they want to raise our rent $25 a month! Hallelujah!!!! $25!! They went from around a $500 increase to $25! Praise THE LORD!
God has a wonderful way of grabbing us out of the darkness when we are lost. He gently pushes us in a direction we may not have even considered. And best of all, He sends encouragement along the way. Who can say there is no God?