Monday, February 21, 2011

Lovely Luray

 We blew in, and we blew out.  The wind was gusty, powerful, and relentless...yet, it couldn't stop our fun.  We had a lovely time in Luray, enjoying the quiet atmosphere and slow pace, sleeping in and waking up to birds instead of freeway noise, and spending some much needed time TOGETHER.

 Our little cabin wasn't actually so little.  I could have picked up and moved right in!  The owners have spent great effort in making this getaway a home.

 The moon was soooo full, but for some reason my camera just wouldn't cooperate.  I would've persevered and been stubborn with it if the wind hadn't beaten me maliciously.  This is all I walked away with...
 We had originally planned on Saturday being Hike Day, but the weather condition changed our minds.  We ventured outside, however, and found ourselves at the local zoo.  I didn't get a photo, but the zoo had a beautiful tiger, of which Jesse got to stand about 15-20 feet away from...made his day!

 I love the country!!!!

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