Life whizzes by us like a runaway train in old cowboy movies. When we stop to think about the date, I can guarantee you, almost all of us think, "Where did the time go?" As it's the first day of the month, I have to confess this morning I had that exact thought. January came bursting in with fireworks and resolutions, and without stopping for breath, it sped by at lightning speeds to welcome in its neighbor, February. In an effort to grasp onto the simplicities of life, I've tried to pick out some important moments from the past 31 days that give life both meaning and purpose. Thankfully, I don't have to stop here and say, "Sorry, I couldn't think of anything because we were too busy." (And yes, I'm smiling right now because I realize that with the strength of God, we were able to DO good this month rather than just think it). I'm not here to list out the good things Jesse and I have done because that definitely defeats the reason we do them, but I will say that being intentional about making life special actually works. It's so easy to wake up each day and grumble about having to work. And it's even easier to keep our focus inward, forgetting the real reason God created us. With the encouragement and adrenaline rush from seeing how much good can be done in just 31 days, I'm setting off again on a 28 day hike, looking for opportunities to make this life purposeful. Watch out world, we're here to LIVE.

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