As hard as I try, I can't seem to attempt a reasonable April Fools joke to post. So, instead I will bask in realism and truth. :) Somehow saying "We're pregnant" or "Jesse has lost his job" or "We're moving back home!" just doesn't have the right impact of humor right now. Perhaps next year!
It seems this week has had its fair amount of challenges. We're wading through the water in search of that supposed sand bar the locals talk about--waiting to emerge from the deep cold and dry off. Jesse continues to battle the feelings of "blehness." While he's left the vomiting behind, he still has little energy and feels sick constantly. If I look back at past calendars, I'd see that his rollercoaster of health is usually on its way down during this season, but my prayer is that he'll find that surprise incline soon. But, as we wade through the water, we have a little reminder of hope. Hutch is our pet (whom we spoil far too much), but even more he serves as a healthy distraction. When tummies hurt, he's there to sit on your lap. When heads ache, he's there to lick your cheek. There's nothing much better than returning home to a wiggly-waggly puppy who licks you to pieces.  |
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