Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Farewell to Good Bye

A quick curbside hug and a smooch on the cheek is never enough to communicate the true emotion behind a farewell.  Even the words "good bye" hardly scratch the surface of the true meaning behind a send off.  Some folks refuse to utter the two words that mean an extended period of time apart, and others embrace them with tears or a lump in the throat.  For me, a good bye is a reminder of what we miss, once again.  It's an alarm clock that screeches, "time to move back, time to move back." 

Returning to our regularly scheduled life is comfortable, but it's not what I want.  I rather enjoy the randomness of company.  Spontaneous trips to Rita's Ice for custard, warm hikes through the countryside, exploring DC with new eyes, and the quiet evenings spent together at home.  Autumn hones into my inner love for family and friends, so when I get a small dose, I crave more.

The good news and the reason this morning's farewell wasn't as difficult as most is we are traveling to Oregon next week to meet Kelton and spend time with family! So, in my humble little opinion, I think it's okay to crave more...knowing there's an even bigger dose headed our way. :) 

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