Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who Put the Cookies in the Cookie Jar?

Call me crazy, but there is no better reason to bake up a storm than in anticipation of company.  Jesse's mom arrives tomorrow, and both Jesse and I feel like we've been waiting for this week to come for months.  The linens are clean (I wish I could say they were pressed, but I'm not Suzie Homemaker), meals are planned, goodies are baked and stored snugly in cookie jars, and the clock is ticking.

She'll be here for a week, but I'm sure those days are going to fly. So, I've already made the decision to take each moment in as if we were on slow-motion.  Too often I get sucked into the planning and the clock-watching, and I miss what's actually happening.  Not this time.

As I was organizing this weekend, it hit me that she will be coming alone this time.  Two summers ago, both she and Jesse's dad visited us, and we all had a wonderful time.  But this time, he's not going to be there.  Jesse found me sitting in the chair, hugging a pillow, with tears rolling down my face.  Poor Jesse has to deal with this emotional mess called ME.  Missing Gary comes in waves.  It's always there, but when high tide hits, I become overwhelmed with the hole he left behind.  Who is to fill it? Do we just allow it to stay gaping open?  We are going to miss having him along with us this next week, and we are praying that this time is a blessing to the three of us.  It will be absolutely wonderful to see Donna and get to spend time with her.  Can't wait to love on her big time!

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