Je ne veux pas travailler....and now I don't have to least for a couple weeks. Hutch and I are plane-bound for Minneapolis this afternoon, crossing our fingers and toes the snow holds off until we get in. Can't wait to get my arms around my cute little Kelton and the rest of my family.
Have a safe and merry Christmas!
***translation: I do not want to work.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Light the Candle and Wait
The end of the world is near...and no, I'm not talking about December 21st. Though it did cross my mind that some folks may have intentionally avoided that day for their holiday travel. What day did I book my boss' flight? You betcha! He chuckled when I asked him if he was concerned about flying on the last day of our existence, and he said he'd rather be up in the air if the earth starts exploding. My, my how our views of the end of the world are different. Here I'm afraid the pilot might suddenly disappear, and he's worried about aliens.
The headlines and newsreels these past couple weeks are a reminder that this world is aching for something more. It wasn't a gun who ransacked the mall in Oregon or the terrified children in their classrooms. It was two men, consumed by their sinful nature and self doubt and yearning for something more that caused horrific pain in so many lives. Our country remains stunned and sickened in the safety of our homes as we continue to watch memoirs and tributes for the brave souls who stood up to cruelty. I don't want to over-discuss this topic, as I realize it physically hurts to think about what happened on those awful days, but I can't help but see how we continue to move in the direction of an utter need for Christ's return.
The Bible makes it clear we won't know the day or the hour of His return, and "He'll come like a thief in the night." December 21st won't be the day, but my how I pray the day is soon. Our need for grace grows each day, and our need for His holiness if even greater. Sin is multiplying at a rapid rate, but continues to look so enticing to all of us. Temptation is around every corner, disasters are happening every day around the world, and all we can do--Children of God--is to live each minute of every hour of all days like it's our last.
If I'm still alive to see Christ's return, it is my prayer that I will have been able to resist temptation and defy sin in the face at the very moment. I hope the thief returns to find me searching His face rather than looking away. There's a tradition here in the South to light a candle in your window to symbolize your love and devotion to the family members who are away from home. It's not only beautiful to drive by and see an old Colonial home lit up with small flickers, but it's a good reminder of what our country is founded on.
There is a candle lit in the window of my heart; waiting for His return.
The headlines and newsreels these past couple weeks are a reminder that this world is aching for something more. It wasn't a gun who ransacked the mall in Oregon or the terrified children in their classrooms. It was two men, consumed by their sinful nature and self doubt and yearning for something more that caused horrific pain in so many lives. Our country remains stunned and sickened in the safety of our homes as we continue to watch memoirs and tributes for the brave souls who stood up to cruelty. I don't want to over-discuss this topic, as I realize it physically hurts to think about what happened on those awful days, but I can't help but see how we continue to move in the direction of an utter need for Christ's return.

If I'm still alive to see Christ's return, it is my prayer that I will have been able to resist temptation and defy sin in the face at the very moment. I hope the thief returns to find me searching His face rather than looking away. There's a tradition here in the South to light a candle in your window to symbolize your love and devotion to the family members who are away from home. It's not only beautiful to drive by and see an old Colonial home lit up with small flickers, but it's a good reminder of what our country is founded on.
There is a candle lit in the window of my heart; waiting for His return.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Our country remains shocked and grief-stricken over the horrific events of this past week. We cannot put into words how it makes us feel, and so many are left with one question: "Where was God?"
I don't have children, so I cannot even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child, especially in this way. But the ugliness and cruelty is unmistakable. And perhaps it's because I don't have a child that these claims of God being gone from school has hit me just as hard as the massacre of tiny babes. There is no question that the teaching of religion and God has been sadly removed from our public school system, BUT, God was there among the chaos.
It was His hand that guided teachers into saving the lives of so many innocent little hearts. It was God who comforted the terrified. Sin is powerful, but God is stronger. Satan is so good at blaming his work on God, and it's almost second nature for us to point the finger at the one saving us rather than the one swaying us. I ache for the families who lost a loved one. I hurt for the children who will have nightmares of that day. And I cry for those who continue to think it was God who let this happen.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah."
Psalm 46:1-3,7
I don't have children, so I cannot even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child, especially in this way. But the ugliness and cruelty is unmistakable. And perhaps it's because I don't have a child that these claims of God being gone from school has hit me just as hard as the massacre of tiny babes. There is no question that the teaching of religion and God has been sadly removed from our public school system, BUT, God was there among the chaos.
It was His hand that guided teachers into saving the lives of so many innocent little hearts. It was God who comforted the terrified. Sin is powerful, but God is stronger. Satan is so good at blaming his work on God, and it's almost second nature for us to point the finger at the one saving us rather than the one swaying us. I ache for the families who lost a loved one. I hurt for the children who will have nightmares of that day. And I cry for those who continue to think it was God who let this happen.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah."
Psalm 46:1-3,7
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Making the 24 Count
I heard an interesting bit of news on the radio this morning. President and Mrs. Obama are scheduled to host 24 holiday parties in the month of December. That doesn't include the parties and galas they will attend rather than host. 24 parties. I picture Michelle running into her over sized closet, frantically stripping off her gown and throwing it to the side so she can grab the next gown hanging on the satin hangar, clearly marked for the evening's event. Her down-do turns into a quick up-do, new pumps are donned, and a new diamond necklace clasps behind her neck. With a quick nod to the mirror, she grabs her wrap and briskly walks down toward the front corridor to greet her next set of guests. Two parties down, and maybe one more to go...and that's just one day.
The holidays are a great time to celebrate family, friends, culture, and yes maybe even political ideals for some. And while some may think 24 parties in one month sounds glamorous, I can't help but wonder if they even enjoy the events. Do they really invest in the people they've invited into their big white home? Do they find joy in picking the fancy menus and the presidential china it will be served upon? Do their faces get tired from all of the sincere or insincere smiling? How many clammy hands have they shaken as they greet their nervous guests?
I found myself wondering all this and more just from the simple radio story this morning. I wondered what might happen if the President opted to host 24 unaired charities in the month of December. What might happen if Michelle arrived to a shelter and distributed gifts to battered women and their children? What would happen if President Obama sat in on a business lesson at the New York State Penitentiary where prisoners are trying to set their lives straight with education? What would happen if the Obamas opened the White House to a couple dozen orphans and played White Christmas in their living room?
And then my random thoughts, now half way to work, wandered to my own responsibility during this season. Why is it I felt like the Presidential family had an obligation for social justice and service, but my own name never came to mind? I sit here tonight reminded that anyone can donate their love, time, and funds to someone less fortunate. It may mean giving your hot leftovers to a homeless man curled into a fetal position on the frozen sidewalk. It may look like sending a shoebox full of toiletries and toys to Africa. It may require time behind a food line, spooning warm soup into metal bowls. What I'm trying to say, in once again way too many words, is that anyone can serve.
We may not all host 24 parties, but we do all have 24 days in December before Christmas comes. It's what we do with those days that counts.
The holidays are a great time to celebrate family, friends, culture, and yes maybe even political ideals for some. And while some may think 24 parties in one month sounds glamorous, I can't help but wonder if they even enjoy the events. Do they really invest in the people they've invited into their big white home? Do they find joy in picking the fancy menus and the presidential china it will be served upon? Do their faces get tired from all of the sincere or insincere smiling? How many clammy hands have they shaken as they greet their nervous guests?
I found myself wondering all this and more just from the simple radio story this morning. I wondered what might happen if the President opted to host 24 unaired charities in the month of December. What might happen if Michelle arrived to a shelter and distributed gifts to battered women and their children? What would happen if President Obama sat in on a business lesson at the New York State Penitentiary where prisoners are trying to set their lives straight with education? What would happen if the Obamas opened the White House to a couple dozen orphans and played White Christmas in their living room?
And then my random thoughts, now half way to work, wandered to my own responsibility during this season. Why is it I felt like the Presidential family had an obligation for social justice and service, but my own name never came to mind? I sit here tonight reminded that anyone can donate their love, time, and funds to someone less fortunate. It may mean giving your hot leftovers to a homeless man curled into a fetal position on the frozen sidewalk. It may look like sending a shoebox full of toiletries and toys to Africa. It may require time behind a food line, spooning warm soup into metal bowls. What I'm trying to say, in once again way too many words, is that anyone can serve.
We may not all host 24 parties, but we do all have 24 days in December before Christmas comes. It's what we do with those days that counts.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Flustered to Thrilled

And this is me...finally getting to be OVERJOYED about my new lamp BURNING in MY living room!!!!! Take that, blog-doubters. I actually learned something from my own little insignificant waste of internet space.
Today was a doozy of a day, but I think tonight is a good example of how God cares about the little things in life. When I opened my front door, the To Do list was reeling out of control. Before I put Hutch's leash on to take him outside, I was hunched over a long piece of paper writing down everything that needed tending to tomorrow. It was as if those tasks might blow up in my head if they were not recorded. Half way down the list, I remembered the box sitting on the counter...the oil had finally arrived! What a perfect way to end my day! And as if lighting the lamp had some magical powers, almost as if I'd rubbed its side and hoped for a genie, the stress melted away. I'm pretty sure God knew I might just need a little pick-me-up after today's debacles. And was He right!
Monday, December 10, 2012
3 Cheers for Sugar & Spice
I tackled a big project this weekend...well, two projects, really.
1. Finish making homemade gifts. Check!
2. Bake for holiday gifts. Check!
Saturday wiped me out, but in such a good way. Ten hours straight of baking, and the finished product is quite fun. Thanks to Martha Stewart's ingenuity and marketing campaign, I now have a fun way to deliver the cookies and fudge.
Christmas is coming...and I'm not sure if it's the goose or me that's getting fat.
And, if you still don't feel in the holiday mood...check out my favorite blog, and watch a dozen little feet discover the magic of Christmas...Click Here
1. Finish making homemade gifts. Check!
2. Bake for holiday gifts. Check!
Saturday wiped me out, but in such a good way. Ten hours straight of baking, and the finished product is quite fun. Thanks to Martha Stewart's ingenuity and marketing campaign, I now have a fun way to deliver the cookies and fudge.
Christmas is coming...and I'm not sure if it's the goose or me that's getting fat.
And, if you still don't feel in the holiday mood...check out my favorite blog, and watch a dozen little feet discover the magic of Christmas...Click Here
Friday, December 7, 2012
Hellooo, Friday!
<-- anymore="anymore" attacked="attacked" being="being" by="by" can="can" furry="furry" hairball.="hairball." lay="lay" lovingly="lovingly" my="my" nbsp="nbsp" on="on" p="p" t="t" this="this" tummy="tummy" without="without">-->
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Dumpster Diving Success
Break out the paintbrush and yellow paint; I found me a chair!!!
(For those who are wondering if I've gone insane, I've been on the lookout for free chairs to complete my dining room set. On my trip to the dumpster last night, this little baby screamed my name and asked me to take her home. A little paint, some new upholstery, and she'll be good as new! Only one more chair to go!)
(For those who are wondering if I've gone insane, I've been on the lookout for free chairs to complete my dining room set. On my trip to the dumpster last night, this little baby screamed my name and asked me to take her home. A little paint, some new upholstery, and she'll be good as new! Only one more chair to go!)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Being Available
It's so easy to get distracted by schedules and my own personal life. This is easily one of my biggest flaws. By the time the clock strikes 0700, I'm well on my way toward a day that requires my full attention. Fill the dog bowl, water the plants, make the bed, respond to emails, prioritize duties, check in with employees, confirm scheduled meetings, prepare for scheduled meetings. That all happens well before 0830, and by then, the real work starts rolling in...literally bearing the name Andy. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I'm only saying that I get caught up in this cycle of "get it done well, and it will pay off."...The oh-so-famous words that run through most DC dwellers' minds.
This mentality is well and good until I realize the amount of time that has slipped by since I last spoke to a friend on the phone. Or when I realize I never responded to a letter written to me...last month. Being available is a struggle. It's not until the dishes are washed, the dog toys are put away, and my pajamas are donned that I feel the repercussions of my mis-focus. The truth of the matter is this: I am lonely. And before you jump to conclusions, hear me on this. For the first time in a very long time, I'm taking full and complete responsibility for this empty feeling. It's no particular friend's fault for my loneliness or lack of contact. It's purely my own mistake in being unavailable myself.
I'd like to think I can turn this very bad habit around and turn it into a refocus of the people in my life and the things that truly matter. What is life without loving others and making them feel special? There is always someone more lonely than me--and I hope to find that person and make her feel loved.
This mentality is well and good until I realize the amount of time that has slipped by since I last spoke to a friend on the phone. Or when I realize I never responded to a letter written to me...last month. Being available is a struggle. It's not until the dishes are washed, the dog toys are put away, and my pajamas are donned that I feel the repercussions of my mis-focus. The truth of the matter is this: I am lonely. And before you jump to conclusions, hear me on this. For the first time in a very long time, I'm taking full and complete responsibility for this empty feeling. It's no particular friend's fault for my loneliness or lack of contact. It's purely my own mistake in being unavailable myself.
I'd like to think I can turn this very bad habit around and turn it into a refocus of the people in my life and the things that truly matter. What is life without loving others and making them feel special? There is always someone more lonely than me--and I hope to find that person and make her feel loved.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
My Little Buddy
Last night, I had a little friend join me in watching Nashville. I was laying on my tummy, and I felt this little creature move up my body and land just behind my shoulder. He wanted to watch too!
(Notice he likes to hold my hand...)
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