Whoever says blogging is a waste of time or just another venue for self-centered complaints should come talk to me. Oh, I have my moments of desparation when I hop on to divulge my latest catastrophe or annoyance. And,I do write about unimportant topics like oil lamps, baking, and puppies. Wait, did I just say oil lamp? I do believe it may have slipped out before I intended, so I suppose I
have to tell you the oil
finally arrived!!! Remember several weeks ago when I mentioned my treasure discovered in the Litchfield antique store? And remember how I went on and on and ON about how important patience really is? Yeah....well....thanks to
that blog, I felt obligated to actually
be patient. So when I was informed the oil was damaged and wouldn't arrive on time, but rather a week and a half late...let's just say when I would have normally drooped my shoulders and let out an overdramatized sigh, I instead remembered that I'd practically boasted about my ability to be patient, so I better try it out for once...

And this is me...finally getting to be OVERJOYED about my new lamp BURNING in MY living room!!!!! Take that, blog-doubters. I actually learned something from my own little insignificant waste of internet space.
Today was a doozy of a day, but I think tonight is a good example of how God cares about the little things in life. When I opened my front door, the To Do list was reeling out of control. Before I put Hutch's leash on to take him outside, I was hunched over a
long piece of paper writing down everything that needed tending to tomorrow. It was as if those tasks might blow up in my head if they were not recorded. Half way down the list, I remembered the box sitting on the counter...the oil had finally arrived! What a
perfect way to end my day! And as if lighting the lamp had some magical powers, almost as if I'd rubbed its side and hoped for a genie, the stress melted away. I'm pretty sure God knew I might just need a little pick-me-up after today's debacles. And was He right!
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