The headlines and newsreels these past couple weeks are a reminder that this world is aching for something more. It wasn't a gun who ransacked the mall in Oregon or the terrified children in their classrooms. It was two men, consumed by their sinful nature and self doubt and yearning for something more that caused horrific pain in so many lives. Our country remains stunned and sickened in the safety of our homes as we continue to watch memoirs and tributes for the brave souls who stood up to cruelty. I don't want to over-discuss this topic, as I realize it physically hurts to think about what happened on those awful days, but I can't help but see how we continue to move in the direction of an utter need for Christ's return.

If I'm still alive to see Christ's return, it is my prayer that I will have been able to resist temptation and defy sin in the face at the very moment. I hope the thief returns to find me searching His face rather than looking away. There's a tradition here in the South to light a candle in your window to symbolize your love and devotion to the family members who are away from home. It's not only beautiful to drive by and see an old Colonial home lit up with small flickers, but it's a good reminder of what our country is founded on.
There is a candle lit in the window of my heart; waiting for His return.
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