Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Old Town Alexandria
This past weekend, Jesse asked what I wanted to do. I requested to go somewhere quaint. After some quick Internet browsing, we decided to head to Old Town Alexandria, an adorable little town, to check out the waterfront. I took some photos on my new camera, but I haven't uploaded them yet. Here's a glimpse at where we were...

Monday, June 28, 2010
Countdown Begins
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Casino Night...
These pictures are late in coming...
Several weeks ago, my employer threw a party for the company and his friends. He likes to host a Casino Night, providing fake money to play at a realistic casino setting. Jesse and I enjoyed playing Black Jack for part of the evening, but mostly watched others really get into their games. It was a fun night.

At the end of the evening, Andy's tradition is to have an auction, using the fake money everyone won throughout the evening. My job, along with Shannon, was to be Vanna White...

Several weeks ago, my employer threw a party for the company and his friends. He likes to host a Casino Night, providing fake money to play at a realistic casino setting. Jesse and I enjoyed playing Black Jack for part of the evening, but mostly watched others really get into their games. It was a fun night.

At the end of the evening, Andy's tradition is to have an auction, using the fake money everyone won throughout the evening. My job, along with Shannon, was to be Vanna White...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
"This Isn't Normal"
Have you ever moved somewhere and the weather seems to be extreme? When Jesse and I moved here in January, people kept saying, "Boy, this weather is so unusual." It snowed over three feet in one night. Then the spring came, and with it came many overcast days. People at work kept saying, "Wow, we don't normally have this weather." And now, it's summer...guess what. Heat wave! Yesterday someone said, "Heather, this is going to be an unusually hot summer if it's already in the high 90s!" After living in Los Angeles where it didn't rain the whole first year I lived there (of course that was unusual), and then living in Florida where the summer thunderstorms stopped happening (extremely unusual), and now in DC where we are roasting...I've decided there is no normal weather. Let's face it, the world is changing--perhaps ever so slightly in some areas, but it is. At least I know not to expect the usual. :)
Weather for Alexandria, VA -
96°F | 78°F Thu
98°F | 75°F Fri
92°F | 75°F Sat
94°F | 79°F Sun
Weather for Alexandria, VA -
96°F | 78°F Thu
98°F | 75°F Fri
92°F | 75°F Sat
94°F | 79°F Sun
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Escaping City Life
This past weekend, I decided to opt for a walk rather than sitting at the Honda dealership while our oil was changed. Ignoring the warning from weathermen, I decided to brave the heat wave. It was well worth the extreme heat. After about ten minutes, I stopped to look around me. I couldn't see any tall apartment buildings, couldn't see power lines, and best of all, I couldn't hear anything but the Robbins chirping around me. Living here makes me appreciate the quiet times. I thank God for these small moments--little nugget size gifts that refresh me for a long time.

Monday, June 21, 2010
God's Blessing to Me: Jesse

I wanted to take a moment this morning to exclaim how amazing Jesse Timothy Field is as my husband and my friend. This weekend, he showed again just how wonderful he is. Even though I know I'm supposed to eat often to keep my blood sugar levels normal, I am often stubborn (I know, crazy isn't it--me stubborn?!), and I opt to skip food. To make a very long and dramatic story short and simple, Jesse was patient with my inexcusable anger and selfishness. Instead of becoming angry with me, he saw that I needed his patience and love (and plenty of orange juice) to get me back to normal. Jesse is more than good to me. It's on a daily basis I realize I don't deserve him, but I'm so thankful God put him in my life.
Loving Our Dads
Father's Day. A day to remind our fathers how much we love and appreciate them. Jesse and I are blessed to have fathers who are loving, devoted, and God-fearing. Both of our dads are always just a phone call away. They share wisdom and point us toward God for answers. They listen during the tough times, and they laugh during the good times. Perhaps the best thing about Larry and Gary is that they both, in their own way, reflect our Heavenly Father's love upon us. We love you!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Time for a Transplant...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wednesday's WORD
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him”
Psalm 103:13
Psalm 103:13
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Getting Ready for Company
Jesse's folks and sister, Luci, are flying into town for Fourth of July. Now that we have a guest bedroom, we can finally host our guests properly. (Sorry to those who had to deal with our one bedroom, one bathroom in Daytona). We're finally done furnishing our guest room/office and are very excited to have guests!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Fish: Take Ten
Actually, I've lost count of what number this fish is. I've never been one to kill things, in fact, when I was in college, my fish lived for three years! So, you can imagine how frustrating it is to have fish dying after living only months or weeks, or even days. A trip to a local pet store (decided to skip the mega pet stores and ask the professionals) taught us that our 2.5 gallon tank isn't large enough for the family-friendly goldfish. I didn't dare ask why then are the minnows dying as well! They suggesting opting for a Beta fish instead. So far so good...
Presenting...Fiona the Fish.
Presenting...Fiona the Fish.

Friday, June 11, 2010
Two Little Love Birds
Kolby has a bad habit of never leaving Bentley alone. We aren't sure if she's purposefully attracting him, or if he's just gone nuts, but it has become quite an issue. We don't let the birds in the other's cage because they get territorial. Well, Kolby has been pushing the limits. He sneaks into her cage when he thinks were not looking, and the moment we call his name or clap or move near the cages, he immediately flies out. He's a rascal! This photo shows one of his alternative ways of being close to Bentley without getting into trouble.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Always Smiling
This is Jesse after his colonoscopy on Monday. Still a little groggy, but smiling big. Jesse is a good reminder to me of the verse, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Jesse lives this verse each day. Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to struggle with the pain and discomfort of his ulcerative colitis. The pictures from the scope revealed his colon still immersed with severe colitis. Please pray that God reveals to us what action we need to take in the next few weeks.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
June 9, 2007
Three Years! I can remember exactly what I was doing at this time three years ago at the beautiful place called Wild Horse (not Washington Family Ranch then!) After helping Mom with serving breakfast to our wedding party and getting breakfast ready for our guests staying in the lodge, I went upstairs to get ready. The feeling I had inside was excitement, nervousness, giddiness, and pure joy. I knew that in just a few short hours I'd be marrying the man I'd fallen so deeply in love with. Since that day, Jesse and I have lived many adventures together. Moving to Florida, experiencing some challenges with health, switching roles with him being in school and me working, becoming a big part of the Christ Community Church family, moving away to DC...oh my, it's amazing what's happened in just three short years. The best thing that has happened though, beyond the things we've been through, is how close we keep growing together. Through each joy or hardship, we draw closer to Jesus and through Him, closer to each other. It's always an adventure being Jesse's wife, and it brings a smile to my face. yep, I'm Jesse's Girl. :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Game Time
Friday, June 4, 2010
Nestled In
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
It Keeps Growing & Growing...
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