Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"This Isn't Normal"

Have you ever moved somewhere and the weather seems to be extreme? When Jesse and I moved here in January, people kept saying, "Boy, this weather is so unusual." It snowed over three feet in one night. Then the spring came, and with it came many overcast days. People at work kept saying, "Wow, we don't normally have this weather." And now, it's summer...guess what. Heat wave! Yesterday someone said, "Heather, this is going to be an unusually hot summer if it's already in the high 90s!" After living in Los Angeles where it didn't rain the whole first year I lived there (of course that was unusual), and then living in Florida where the summer thunderstorms stopped happening (extremely unusual), and now in DC where we are roasting...I've decided there is no normal weather. Let's face it, the world is changing--perhaps ever so slightly in some areas, but it is. At least I know not to expect the usual. :)

Weather for Alexandria, VA -

96°F | 78°F Thu

98°F | 75°F Fri

92°F | 75°F Sat

94°F | 79°F Sun

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