Friday, September 10, 2010

Stumble Upon Memory Lane

I made a big mistake this evening--I took a nap after dinner. Thus, here I sit in front of the computer with not a yawn in me. In my search for something to do, I stumbled upon some photo files Jesse had saved a while ago. Thought I'd share some of the fun memories...
Jesse showing off his new Oakleys from Christmas 2008. This was the year we opened all of our gifts early and then flew off to Minnesota on Christmas Eve...also the year I was a brunette, but I'll save you from seeing those memories!
Me laughing in Lake Diaz, knowing not what else to do since I couldn't get the hang of wake boarding. Despite Lynn and Jesse's insistence that I could do it, there I sat.

This is an especially funny memory--one we don't speak of much. That black Mercury Mariner to the left is a vehicle we owned for less than 24 hours. Yes, everyone makes mistakes. God really got us out of this one...this is me talking on the phone to my dad as I grab everything out of the car before returning it to Carmax.

Whenever the Camelbaks are out, you know it's hot. Look at Jesse's long hair! This was a Field family visit back in 2008.
Memory lane wouldn't be complete with a little visit to NASCAR. This was our first race experience in January of 2008. Our beginning to the sport...

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