The clock screamed 10:23pm, yet Jesse sat on the edge of our bed literally reading the dictionary. He had grabbed the robust red book to look up a word (that I might add I insisted wasn't a word...and I was right), and he found himself in a realm of verbs, nouns, and adjectives. He was
mesmerized and completely satisfied to
fore go a few minutes of sleep to skim the small-print pages. I
buried my head in my pillow, trying to fall asleep amidst his explanation for each new word he found. And I'll admit, I did listen in because after all, words are way more fascinating than sleep.
The word of the day:
prink.It means to deck oneself out; to deck out or dress for show. Now, I definitely didn't spend time
prinking this morning when choosing my wardrobe for work, but I did consider what it might be like to go to work looking as such. Needless to say, I will be adding this new word to my vocabulary.
(Oddly enough, when I used the spellcheck on the blog, it assured me
prink isn't a word. Guess I need to let them know their dictionary is not expansive enough!) :)