Thursday, January 13, 2011

Spiritual Journey

Tomorrow evening, we are meeting with two youth pastors from our church in hopes of serving in the high school youth group.  Both Jesse and I have a heart for youth, and now that we've found a church, we're pluggin' in.  In preparation for our meeting, I filled out the application this morning.  Here's a sampling of some of the questions: What are your expectations for the youth ministry staff?  Why do you want to serve in youth ministry?  What are you spiritual gifts?  These questions are easy to answer, but it was the Personal & Spiritual Background section I found to be difficult. Not difficult because I didn't know the answers but because I realize I need to think about these questions more often.  What is a significant event in your life that impacted you spiritually?  What are three major ways you've grown in your spiritual walk?  How would you best describe your spiritual journey now?
If I thought about just one of these questions once a week, my life would surely be sharpened.  My words would be delivered softer, my thoughts would be holier, and those around me would feel more loved.  One of the things I explained in my application was that some of my poor decisions in college opened my eyes to a new side of Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, when every girl in the dorm had fallen asleep, I lay awake on my bunk bed with teary eyes and an open Bible.  When night fell quietly over me, Jesus was the only friend I had to comfort me, to forgive me, and to love me.  He's not just a historical figure who calmed storms and fed thousands with crumbs.  He's here right now, holding our hands each step of the day.  I'm thankful for the little reminders God sends us to remind us of what is important in life. The future often dominates my thoughts as I dream about where we might live in a few years, what our family might look like, and what goals we will have achieved.  The future is good to look at, but perhaps spending some time in the past of how God got me here is important as well.  We need to focus on our spiritual journey.

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