Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You too can be a farmer...

 It's no wonder farmers do what they do year in and year out, despite years of drought or flooding.  I am no farmer, but I am proud to say we've successfully grown crop on our very own balcony.  The tomatoes are ripening at momentous speeds due to our three digit temperatures, and the green peppers and cayenne peppers continue to grow bigger and bigger.  Watching a seed be sewn into a lush plant is quite a miraculous experience, and I never realized how rewarding a vegetable garden can be.
Just yesterday I explained to a few coworkers how my vegetable garden has come to life.  They weren't sure how to interpret my enthusiasm--yes, my shoulders were hunched, my eye brows raised, and yes my hands were clapping.  I'd hoped to be met with additional excitement, but instead was delivered with a good dose of laughter.  But I assured them if they followed my example, they too could experience such joy from something so simple. 

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