Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Green Sliver

I can't recall a spring that didn't involve planting flowers, fertilizing the grass, building new bird houses, and dusting off the stored away lawn furniture. We may have lived in one of the wettest places on the Oregon coast, but my parents knew how to embrace outdoor living. My dad has always been a Gardener, and he has a knack for making things grow. Though the persnickety orchids on my kitchen counter may disagree, I have inherited a sliver of green from my father's thumb.

This past weekend, I was bound and determined to transform our slab of concrete called the balcony into an oasis of refuge. Okay, so maybe it's not quite that grand, but for a 6x8 plot of sky, it's not too shabby.
Mint, basil, & thyme
The "window boxes" are my favorite because as the box fills up, the flowers begin to drape over the edge so you can see it from the street...not that I'm bragging or anything. :)
In honor of 5th Ave, I have planted a hydrangea
Peppers and Sunflowers are on their way
Even Hutch enjoys his new garden
As a side note: To those Virginians looking to plant soon, please disregard the Home Depot attendant who insists that pansies are a fall flower. It's merely an excuse as to why the big HD doesn't have any in stock. You'll be proud to know that I bit my tongue and swallowed back the urge to say, "Sir, my father, A GARDENER, didn't raise a dumb child. I know pansies, and they ARE in season!"

Instead, I walked away, and consequently noticed every pansy planted on each block I passed as I drove home.

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