Saturday, June 30, 2012

Before & After

For those following the news, we are A-Okay after the crazy storm that passed through our area last night.  Over one million homes are without power, but God had grace on us, and we're so very thankful for the cool weather and working refrigerator.
But despite it all, I was still able to get my hair done today! :)  I was in need of some CHANGE...
But first, I just have to say that my mother-in-law has had an impact on my wardrobe ever since her last visit.  I've never been much for accessorizing or even mixing and matching apparel. But after she took me to the mall and showed me how it's done, I think I've got the hang of it.  I thought of her this morning as I got dressed and accessorized my outfit...I'm liking this cute belt I found for $4!


We are getting ready for the second storm to roll through this evening...Batten down the hatches!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

New Baby On the Block

I love babies. Round ones, tiny ones, girl ones, boy ones. I just love babies. So it was much to my excitement when I realized our neighbors were expecting. As her due date drew nearer, we'd laugh about how I was just as excited as they were to greet a new Little into the world. Little Sophia was finally born on Sunday, and oh how fun it was to meet her on Wednesday!!! She's a tiny beautiful little girl, and I'm excited that she is a big reason I've had the opportunity to get to know her parents. DC isn't the friendliest of places and meeting people can be difficult....but babies? Apparently they aren't just cute and cuddly...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Remember When...

Memories are like little pockets of joy forever on the waiting list to be plucked up and embraced.  Ever since the beginning of man, we have told stories of our past.  Legends, fables, histories--we find satisfaction in recounting what has been and what it means for what will be.
In my pockets, I have a handful of memories I hold close to my heart.  They are the kind that make a smile flash across my face in an instant of remembering.  Summertime always brings these snippets of time forward, and I'm often plunged back into time where I'm floating on my giraffe floaty in Cultis Lake, or camping in the backyard with Holly while we turn our ordinary yellow tent into a fortress fit for a queen.  A whiff of sunscreen (it has to be the right one, mind you), and I'm sent reeling back to Cannon Beach with Kapri, my best friend.  Memories are not only fun accounts of the past, but they are times to remind us of from where we've come.  Always moving forward, memories keep us grounded in the whys and the whos.  Why did we make that decision?  Who was there when we went through that?
I don't really have a point to my ramblings today, but I found myself overwhelmed with memories this morning.  On my drive in to work today, I was really sitting in the car, parked at the Cove, visiting with my mom about teenage girl stuff.  Because you see, it's those memories that have made me exactly who I am today.  They are my pockets of joy.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Toddlers graduate from their cribs into tiny child-size beds while my "toddler" has graduated into his own cushy pillow. Hutch has never had a bed of his own.  Blankets have been his sleeping aid, but he made it quite clear to us that he wanted something else...
Don't believe me?  Come on over to our home and watch him wrestle the crate pad out of his kennel, drag it into the middle of the living room, and lay on it.  Yes, we figured it was time Hutch had a bed.
Last night we were gone for the evening, leaving Hutch the full reign of the house and his new bed. When we returned, we found that he'd dragged his new bed from the living room to in front of the door.  Apparently our dog is particular with his comfort.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ahhhh, Quiet

If there is one thing I like about air conditioning, it's the mask of sound it places over all others.  Jesse would insist that it's good for only one thing--keeping us cool.  But seeing as I'm sitting here swaddled in a blue fleece blanket due to the AC, I think I'll continue to beg to differ.  Other than the clicking of my keyboard, all I hear is the whir of a fan, and it's lovely.  Street sounds don't exist--they have no chance of reaching my earlobes.

Peace is highly underrated.  It's Friday night, and I'll bet most people my age are seeking a hot spot filled with loud music and large groups of people.  After all, who doesn't want to start off the weekend by getting hammered by too many shots of Apple Pucker? (that's sarcasm for those of you who just gasped by my worldly comment).  But me?  I am perfectly content sitting here on my cushy red couch, swaddled in the mask of our AC fan...and the blue blanket to combat the chilly air.

Yes, life is good when it's simple. 

Random At Its Best

I was perusing my photos and stumbled upon some fun ones. Thought I'd share...
Hutch's first day with us
Holly & Mom at Abel & Kara's wedding

Visiting Grandpa Nelson at the rehab center
Fish pedicures!!!
Donna putting on her new earrings from Gary
Have a great weekend!!! Hope your weather isn't as hot as our SCORCHER.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Off Kilter

So often we find ourselves feeling out of place, like an itchy wool sweater on a hot summer's eve.  We're not quite sure how we arrived there, but there is no doubt that we don't belong.  This is the place in which I've lingered for the past couple of weeks.  In a daze almost, I've carried about my standard routines, all the while feeling a bit zombie-like and completely un-Heather. 
Two nights ago, however, I snapped out of it.  I threw that icky wool sweater aside and donned a summer dress and sunhat to boot. (Pardon the terrible metaphor).  With vigor and tenacity, I came alive.  Heather was back. 
I can't tell you what made me "return" or why I had even "left," but I can tell you it feels really good to be back. 
Speaking of off kilter...Hutch's hair needs some attention!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Typical Monday Night

Free entertainment of the night...watching Hutch use his little hannies (hands)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Doing the Things I Love

This is a pre-Friday post in anticipation of a hectic work morning tomorrow.  It is because of that ever-so anticipated work day that I took full advantage of my evening alone tonight.  Jesse and a friend hit the movie theater, leaving me home alone to relax and do whatever my little heart desires.

I'm sure I can speak for 99.9% of American wives when I say that when my husband is away for the night, the number one thing that I do is SKIP cooking dinner.  Well, I guess it can't be 99.9% since 90% of those wives are also mamas.  I stand corrected--.9% enjoy the bowl of cereal as I do.  Woohoo!

Tonight I decided I was going to enjoy the evening by doing something  I thoroughly love but rarely make time for: BAKING.  And, because my mom insists that she likes reading my blogs but prefers photos, I have included a little montage for her...
Feeling pretty is important when baking, so a string of pearls graced my neck.
My mother always taught me an apron was a baking must.

Chocolate Chip Sticks.  A new recipe to me, and definitely one to repeat!
Snickerdoodles...or as our Australian friends would put it, "Snick-ah Doodles."
 While my goodies baked in the oven, I changed the sheets on the bed, started a load of laundry, put clean clothes away, picked up the house, and washed the dirty dishes...Oh, and I tried on my new bathing suit!!!
Either I've completely lost my mind or I'm very brave for posting this photo....
So, there you have it.  Heather getting to do the things she loves...baking, cleaning, organizing, and now writing about helps that the medium sized swimsuit was a tad bit too big too! Happy Friday!
Father's Day post coming soon...

Hello, Summertime!

You know it's officially summer when the AC isn't enough, and the oscillating fan is brought in as backup.  When the dog can't find a comfortable spot on the bed or the ground, and the blankets are tugged and pulled and pushed in every which way because one minute you're boiling hot and the next you're freezing cold.  Ahhh, sleepless nights. Yes, it's officially summer.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It Runs In The Family

Apparently, I'm not the only one in our household who likes order. . .

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

Jesse decided it was time to teach Hutch a few things about football...Hutch caught on rather quickly.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Monday

What striped dress is complete without a bright yellow belt?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Loving This Little Boy!

I can hardly wait to see him in a couple of months!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We Are a Great Many Things

The second thing we ask most people when we meet them is "what do you do?"  The only fact we find more important is a name.  For so long, I have considered this cultural phenomenon tragic.  I linked this identity issue as a problem and evidence that our country is home to millions of workaholics.  My opinion has slowly morphed into something "quite the opposite" as Lizzy proclaimed to Mr. Darcy.  Perhaps being defined by our job isn't so negative after all.  Just because someone might see themselves as a teacher, an engineer, or a Mom, doesn't mean they are solely focused on their occupation.  It just happens that they love what they do! If God gifted you with math, then love your job as an engineer.  If He purposed you to grow things, embrace your life as a farmer.  And if you feel the need to dance, do it--even if you are a farmer! Because you are a great many things, and God made you just that way.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dizzy, I'm So Dizzy

This song is quite fitting these days: DIZZY

The smallest bit of movement leaves my head spinning and needing to grab some sort of stationary object to keep me upright.  These little episodes have been occurring for quite some time, but their frequency has increased dramatically over the past couple of weeks. Perhaps I will "Call the Doctor for some help." as this song says.

That's all I've got for this morning...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rising & Setting

I like consistency, but sometimes this type of consistency is a bit too much.
Morning Alarm
Nighttime Kisses

Friday, June 1, 2012

My Lunch Buddy

That's a bone in his mouth...not frothing at the mouth