Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We Are a Great Many Things

The second thing we ask most people when we meet them is "what do you do?"  The only fact we find more important is a name.  For so long, I have considered this cultural phenomenon tragic.  I linked this identity issue as a problem and evidence that our country is home to millions of workaholics.  My opinion has slowly morphed into something "quite the opposite" as Lizzy proclaimed to Mr. Darcy.  Perhaps being defined by our job isn't so negative after all.  Just because someone might see themselves as a teacher, an engineer, or a Mom, doesn't mean they are solely focused on their occupation.  It just happens that they love what they do! If God gifted you with math, then love your job as an engineer.  If He purposed you to grow things, embrace your life as a farmer.  And if you feel the need to dance, do it--even if you are a farmer! Because you are a great many things, and God made you just that way.

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