Friday, June 22, 2012

Ahhhh, Quiet

If there is one thing I like about air conditioning, it's the mask of sound it places over all others.  Jesse would insist that it's good for only one thing--keeping us cool.  But seeing as I'm sitting here swaddled in a blue fleece blanket due to the AC, I think I'll continue to beg to differ.  Other than the clicking of my keyboard, all I hear is the whir of a fan, and it's lovely.  Street sounds don't exist--they have no chance of reaching my earlobes.

Peace is highly underrated.  It's Friday night, and I'll bet most people my age are seeking a hot spot filled with loud music and large groups of people.  After all, who doesn't want to start off the weekend by getting hammered by too many shots of Apple Pucker? (that's sarcasm for those of you who just gasped by my worldly comment).  But me?  I am perfectly content sitting here on my cushy red couch, swaddled in the mask of our AC fan...and the blue blanket to combat the chilly air.

Yes, life is good when it's simple. 

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