Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Speed It Up A Little!

William Asher, the director of I Love Lucy, passed away yesterday.  His television show has made millions of people laugh until their bellies hurt, and I am no exception.  I spent hours watching reruns of Lucy getting herself into binds.  I named my parakeets Fred and Ethel.  I have an entire storage bin dedicated to all of the I Love Lucy paraphernalia I've collected over the years.  It's safe to say I am a fan.  William Asher claimed the egg scene as his favorite from the hundreds of episodes with Lucille Ball.  Ricky came home unexpectedly, causing Lucy to hide dozens of eggs in her dress.  Ricky suggests they practice their dance, and as they come in to meet each other, the eggs get smashed and begin to ooze from every seam and fold of her clothing.  It was a great scene.  One of my favorites is the Chocolate Factory and Lucy and Ethel try to keep up with dipping chocolates as they pass on the conveyor belt. And because the pace of the scene is quite fitting to my own work week, I thought why not include a quick little photo of a wonderful television show. Thank you, William Asher, for bringing many happy tears to my eyes and making me laugh.

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