Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Listening to His Voice

When life gets overwhelming, it's often easy to overlook the blessings. If we aren't careful, the deadlines and unending tasks blind us from the beautiful sunrise or words of affirmation. I know for myself, I have the tendency to dwell on the negative, as if milking the drama for all it's worth will reward me somehow. Obviously it never does.

This past Sunday, the youth group lesson was about a Shepherd and his sheep.  I've heard this lesson taught from many different angles, but this particular talk caught my attention.  Our youth pastor mentioned that the sheep only follow their Shepherd's voice.  We were born to hear only Jesus' voice--to follow only Him, depending upon Him for navigation and survival.  She followed this by explaining that we often resemble goats more than sheep.  Goats wander off, exploring the land without their leader.  I am a goat who wants to be a sheep.

We cannot navigate this world we live in without our Shepherd.  His voice carries us through trials, His touch reassures us during pain.  Life gets overwhelming, but the biggest blessing of all that we all too often ignore is our Shepherd Himself.  He is our blessing--He is our Hope.

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