Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thank You, Barack Obama...I Think...

When the cashier told me the total for my CVS purchase, I was a little stunned to see that my prescription was free.  She hunkered down and whispered, "Birth control is free now."  Boy, did she get the look from me.  I replied (in a not-so whispering voice)..."Honey, don't be fooled.  I just paid up the gazoo for this prescription to be free because now I'm paying for everyone's birth control who doesn't have a job."  She just laughed and said, "Ahh, well I know what side you're on."

Sides...that's what we've come to.  How in the world is this country going to move forward if all we are is a billion people choosing one side of the gym like an elementary PE class?

I'm a bit riled up from my CVS visit, as you see...but honestly...I'm in awe over this divide between our people. We are split into two groups--those who serve and those who want to be served.  I don't expect my federal government to use hard-earned tax dollars to pay for my prescription. I choose to be on that pill, and it's my responsibility to find a way to pay for it.  Why in the world, would it even cross my mind to expect them to pay? It's a complete conundrum to me.

So, now I have a prescription that's probably worth more now than it ever was before sitting on my counter, reminding me that our country is heading for some trouble. Fun times...

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