Thursday, October 11, 2012


You know that second right after you tell someone just exactly what you think of them?  In the moment, it unfortunately feels marvelously gratifying--like ice cream melting in a cone and dripping down your chin good--but it's the very millisecond afterwards that the ice cream sours and the only thing you want is to wash your face.  I regrettably am prone to this spill of words when they are least needed.

It's so eloquently put in You've Got Mail: "Someone provokes you, and instead of just smiling and moving on, you ZING them. Hello, it's Mr. Nasty."

I'm reading through the book of John, and the power in those red letter words is quite something.  No matter the time or day, Jesus always says something that hits home.  John 8 and the account of the Pharisees judging the adulteress woman reminded me of the many times I judge others when really I should take the plank out of my own eye.  Who am I to judge them, let alone express that judgement to their face?  Oofta--I am surely a work in progress.  I'm Mrs. Nasty hopefully on a narrow road to Mrs. Hold-Your-Tongue-And-Change-Your-Heart.

And as a quick side note, a special verse keeps repeating over and over in my head this week:  "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."  Maybe someone else can find comfort in it as I have.

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