Monday, October 29, 2012

Thar She Blows!!

Friday continued to be a "special" day, as my toilet decided to bust into her own party at about 9:30pm.  Yes, my toilet is a girl.  Not only did she refuse to flush, but she decided to spray water everywhere.  After the service technician came and went around 10:30pm, and I'd scrubbed the floor with the most powerful cleaner I could find, I found myself again chuckling.  "What a day!"

And now it's Monday, and good ol' Sandy has decided to come over for dinner tonight.  Funny how uninvited guests seem to pop in.  Right now, it feels like an average Oregon Coast winter day, but for these soft-hearted Virginians, it's a CRAZY STORM. The winds should start up around 6:00pm tonight, so we'll see how it goes.  We're hunkering down and enjoying the beautiful storm!!!

Stay safe. :)

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