“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6: 6-7 NIV

If I had to pick one thing from the Jewish religion and culture to adopt as my own it would be the reverence for the Torah. Scripture is precious, and not only do they treat the Word with respect and gratitude, but they plaster it
all over their life. The first time I saw a Mezuzah, the small plaque of Scripture posted on doorposts, I was helping my grandparents look for new homes in the Palm Springs area. At the time, I must admit, I found it silly. Who would want
that in their home? It wasn't until much later in my life (perhaps not all that long in reality), I realized their desire to fulfill a commandment was not only admirable, it was achievable.
I don't have tiny plaques with Scripture nailed to every door jam in my apartment. I don't even have the Word written on colorful post-its, stuck to mirrors or dressers, as many do. But something that I've been working on this past month is keeping Scripture on my mind. Mental post-its with loud reminders to recall God's Truth as it applies to life throughout the day.
I am surrounded by hurting people. There are several folks at work experiencing complete brokenness; we have family members searching for truths in all the wrong places; and if I'm completely honest (and not hiding behind a smile), I'm hurting too. What better way to encourage and uplift than with a dose of Truth? It's easy to take for granted our leather bound Bibles. We merely have to consider what color or translation we want, not fear for our lives if we are caught holding it. People literally kill for that Book. And we have access to it. Let Scripture be on our hearts.
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