Friday, March 16, 2012

Top Ten

We unmistakably survived the stresses of this week. That in itself should make the top ten list. Despite the complete craziness, I'm reminded of some very important things in life. No matter how difficult a week can be, there is still plenty to be thankful for. So, as a reminder to count our blessings, here is my Top Ten List of little reminders God sent me this week, reminding me of His love.

10. Every time I tuned in to the Christian radio station, there was a song about God's consistent love.
9. The sunrises have been vibrant this entire week. God's creativity makes me smile.
8. Even though I received some discouraging news this week, a miracle has occurred--I am NOT worried. Now that's a miracle; only God's strength could accomplish that.
7. God cares about the little things: I was given a couple fun gifts from my boss this week.
6. He may be just a dog, but Hutch's greetings at the end of the day wipe away all of the crazy pent up stresses from the previous ten hours of the day.
5. A friend from work thanked me for my friendship. It turns out she needed a friend just as much as me.
4. I received more texts, phone calls, and emails from friends and family this week than I have in a long time. I couldn't respond everytime, but it was so lovely to be blanketed in thoughtfulness.
3. The buds on many types of trees are bursting open into beautiful puffs of color. Streets are lined with soft pink and cream hues. Winter waved good bye just as Spring plopped her suitcases down and moved in.
2. Scripture seemed to pop up into my mind throughout the day. No matter what I was doing, God would whisper sweet reminders when I needed them most.
1. Hope. Hope of a better week next time, hope of rest this weekend, hope of a future in Heaven when our only purpose is to worship our Saviour. No matter the trials, there is always hope.

Have a fun weekend!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

If there was a "Like" button on blogger, I'd be pressing it. ;)