As a lover of the written language, I have always been drawn to words. Beautiful prose that bring emotion bubbling forth, capturing stories of pirates and stranded princesses, motivational biographies, and yes, even the simplest of sentences by the famous Dr. Seuss. But perhaps my most favored form of words is those written in love.
From the time I was tiny until now, I have saved almost every single card and letter ever given to me. My box of memories contains mounds of reminders from those whom I cherish. There are dozens of curled pages covered in scribbles from Zeke, Conner, and Josie Smith, my "favoritist" of children I babysat. There are hundreds of love notes and printed emails from Jesse, and yes even from the boy I had a crush on in 3rd grade. Whether it be a Christmas greeting or a birthday wish, the love enveloped in all of the simple words continue to bring forth encouragement and support.
We live in an age when words have become cheap. We thought email had "killed" the postman, but I'm pretty sure Twitter and Facebook have taken it a step further. One of my goals this year, rolled over from the last, was to become better about sending cards and letters in the mail. I have failed miserably, but I'm a believer that there's always room for improvement. I have much improvement to make...
Words are powerful. They can open a heart with one sentence regardless of correct grammar and advanced vocabulary. If you can't express it out loud, then by all means, write it down. Words can often be just enough to turn some one's mediocre day into an extraordinary delight. Raising a glass (actually it's a smoothie this morning) to loving others through words. Cheers!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Stripes & Curls
So, here's to matching your hair to your clothing!
In bigger news (not much bigger) was a big day...neither Jesse or I had to arrive into work early, and as far as we know, we WILL be leaving work on time. Woohoo!!! These days, that's quite an unusual occurrence.
Monday, April 23, 2012
When in Doubt...D.A.N.C.E!
I've never been much of a dancer. In fact, I had such a fear of the way I looked on the dance floor that I avoided every single high school dance but one...and even then, my high-heel clad feet never accepted the DJ's invitation. The only time, and I mean the ONLY time I've ever officially danced was at my wedding. That was true up until last weekend during our Hangar48 event with the high schoolers. Yep, it happened. Heather Field danced. And not only did she dance...she enjoyed every minute of it.
A group of college students decided to see how fast their dance instructional video would go viral after posting it on YouTube. The Interlude has not only gone viral, but it's reached the far corners of every continent in the world. Our youth group joined in on the fun and set aside those fears of looking silly in front of everyone. Check out the video, and DANCE!
In other news...
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Green Grass Grows All Around
There's a moment in time when the phone stops ringing and silence fills the gaps between busy and still. The moment is swift and prey to being missed, but when it's captured, oh boy, is it something! Significant and worth the wait, these tiny segments of time are sometimes all I need to trudge forward through the waring tide of life.
This week was a doozy if I ever knew one. Monday greeted us with clear blue skies, and if it weren't for the constant reminder of God's love, my empty tank of energy could've easily driven me into a ditch. There wasn't one normal day between our two schedules, which meant we were up early each morning and running on turbo speeds throughout each day. Each night my head hit the pillow like a weight at sea.
Thanks to the snippets of peace that found me at random times during the past five days, I did get through the week. Without going into too much detail, I have been challenged to love in areas where it's not so easy. My heart aches and it wants to flee, but Truth tells me to stay put. My weary mind gives reason to selfishness, yet Patience turns me around. Sometimes when it's the hardest to love, I wonder how Christ loves us so much. His beloved is in turmoil yet he continues to seek and find.
Despite what I feel, there is reason in what I know. The grass is not greener on the other side. The grass is greenest where you choose to water it.
This week was a doozy if I ever knew one. Monday greeted us with clear blue skies, and if it weren't for the constant reminder of God's love, my empty tank of energy could've easily driven me into a ditch. There wasn't one normal day between our two schedules, which meant we were up early each morning and running on turbo speeds throughout each day. Each night my head hit the pillow like a weight at sea.
Thanks to the snippets of peace that found me at random times during the past five days, I did get through the week. Without going into too much detail, I have been challenged to love in areas where it's not so easy. My heart aches and it wants to flee, but Truth tells me to stay put. My weary mind gives reason to selfishness, yet Patience turns me around. Sometimes when it's the hardest to love, I wonder how Christ loves us so much. His beloved is in turmoil yet he continues to seek and find.
Despite what I feel, there is reason in what I know. The grass is not greener on the other side. The grass is greenest where you choose to water it.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
It's no coincidence my blog has been idle for the past several days. Between the 48 hours of youth frenzy and the unusual work hours for both Jesse and myself, I just haven't had the energy to sit down in front of a screen to recount the days. In fact, it's been several days since I've even had time to sit in front of a computer screen at all (which, for all of you who sit in front of a computer every day, you've gotta try it--working away from the desk is rejuvenating!).
The high school youth retreat was a hit for both students and leaders alike. While I only got nine hours of sleep the whole weekend, there was plenty of other energy sources. Like when we watched our girls bravely approach a homeless man and offer him food and conversation. Like when one of our girls embraced me in a big hug and thanked me for being in her life. Like when we danced to a steady beat at one o'clock in the morning, waving glow-in-the dark sticks in the air. Like when we watched our group worship Jesus without holding back. The whole weekend, despite the various hiccups that most youth retreats endure, was a success. There were at least four students who accepted Christ, several students who recommitted their lives, and at least 50 students who bonded with each other and their leaders. Check out my facebook page for videos...
Now it's back to the grind of work and catching up on house chores. Our refrigerator has seen better days, and the food staple in our house right now is cereal and crackers...yes, it's time to visit the grocery store.
And just really quickly before I sign off...something I've learned this week...when things don't seem to go your way, find a new way.
The high school youth retreat was a hit for both students and leaders alike. While I only got nine hours of sleep the whole weekend, there was plenty of other energy sources. Like when we watched our girls bravely approach a homeless man and offer him food and conversation. Like when one of our girls embraced me in a big hug and thanked me for being in her life. Like when we danced to a steady beat at one o'clock in the morning, waving glow-in-the dark sticks in the air. Like when we watched our group worship Jesus without holding back. The whole weekend, despite the various hiccups that most youth retreats endure, was a success. There were at least four students who accepted Christ, several students who recommitted their lives, and at least 50 students who bonded with each other and their leaders. Check out my facebook page for videos...
Now it's back to the grind of work and catching up on house chores. Our refrigerator has seen better days, and the food staple in our house right now is cereal and crackers...yes, it's time to visit the grocery store.
And just really quickly before I sign off...something I've learned this week...when things don't seem to go your way, find a new way.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Don't Be a Hater
The term "hater" is highly overused in this area. I'm sure it's already been archived in Los Angeles by now, but over here in the East, it's thrown around continually. Not sure what I'm talking about? Here's an example of a hater:
Tom: "Wow, that sunrise is beautiful this morning."
Shelly: "Yeah, but I wish this weather would stop being so filthy hot and sticky. It sucks."
Basically, a "hater" is someone who is so focused on the flaws of another or even of life in general that he or she is unable to see the good in anything. You used to call these people "Negative Nancys."
I would never qualify as a bubbly person. In fact, I often take life way too seriously. (Here's your sign) But, goodness, I never ever want to be associated as a hater. These people suck the life out of everything, leaving any amount of joy trampled on the side of the road. There is too much in this life of ours to rejoice about. We have it so easy, and we are blessed beyond belief.
So, here's to the "lover" ... hmm, I wonder if we can coin a new term? :)
HAPPY FRIDAY...pray for us...we're getting ready to pull a crazy 48-hour weekend, and Jesse came home yesterday with a fever and chills. He's in bed now, but pray he can bounce back enough for the retreat this weekend. Thank you!
Tom: "Wow, that sunrise is beautiful this morning."
Shelly: "Yeah, but I wish this weather would stop being so filthy hot and sticky. It sucks."
Basically, a "hater" is someone who is so focused on the flaws of another or even of life in general that he or she is unable to see the good in anything. You used to call these people "Negative Nancys."
I would never qualify as a bubbly person. In fact, I often take life way too seriously. (Here's your sign) But, goodness, I never ever want to be associated as a hater. These people suck the life out of everything, leaving any amount of joy trampled on the side of the road. There is too much in this life of ours to rejoice about. We have it so easy, and we are blessed beyond belief.
So, here's to the "lover" ... hmm, I wonder if we can coin a new term? :)
HAPPY FRIDAY...pray for us...we're getting ready to pull a crazy 48-hour weekend, and Jesse came home yesterday with a fever and chills. He's in bed now, but pray he can bounce back enough for the retreat this weekend. Thank you!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Splashes of Color
With spring comes vibrant tiger lillies. Our receptionist at work knows that I love these flowers, and she surprised me yesterday with my very own plant. Now I have a little splash of color to brighten my day!
We are gearing up for a 48-hour weekend retreat with our high school youth group. With little sleep and lots of running around, we are bound to be tired at the end of it...but, we're both excited about the ways God may work in our students' lives.
If you think of it, keep the Fairfax youth group in your prayers this weekend.
We are gearing up for a 48-hour weekend retreat with our high school youth group. With little sleep and lots of running around, we are bound to be tired at the end of it...but, we're both excited about the ways God may work in our students' lives.
If you think of it, keep the Fairfax youth group in your prayers this weekend.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
On My Heart
"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." ~Clarence Budington Kelland
This picture here really says it all. She was the twinkle in his eye. There are daddy's girls, but then there's Luci. She redefined what it meant to have a good relationship with your father. They were two peas in a pod, laughing at each other's jokes when no one else understood the punchline. He complimented her when she needed it most. She let him know he was capable of anything.
This month marks one year since Gary went home to be with Jesus. Time passes, and it doesn't seem to get any easier. Pain numbs a little, but the reality remains the same. Luci is on my heart this morning, as she is many mornings.
If your dad is still in your life, remind him how much he means to you. Tell him you love him. Thank him for his influence on your life.
This picture here really says it all. She was the twinkle in his eye. There are daddy's girls, but then there's Luci. She redefined what it meant to have a good relationship with your father. They were two peas in a pod, laughing at each other's jokes when no one else understood the punchline. He complimented her when she needed it most. She let him know he was capable of anything.
This month marks one year since Gary went home to be with Jesus. Time passes, and it doesn't seem to get any easier. Pain numbs a little, but the reality remains the same. Luci is on my heart this morning, as she is many mornings.
If your dad is still in your life, remind him how much he means to you. Tell him you love him. Thank him for his influence on your life.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Hutchy Boy
He's taken a liking to the ottoman. I suppose if I only stood eight inches from the ground, I'd like to be up high as well!
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Bunny?
Between the fuzzy bunnies and toddlers running around in miniature ties and frills, we must stop and collect upon what this holiday is really about. Isn't it interesting how one of the most important days to recognize has turned into an egg-hunting frenzy? Children search high and low for their Easter baskets, Mamas work hard at keeping grass stains off their daughters' white tights, and if we don't make it a point to acknowledge it, Christ's death slips by us before you can say "chocolate bunny."
Easter is a day of renewal--a day to recognize Christ's ultimate sacrifice. Without the cross, we would be a hopeless mess and then some. Without his blood spilled for our sins, we would be a lost nation.
Normally, Jesse and I stick to fairly traditional ways of celebrating Easter. The days begins with a powerful church service, and it's followed by a meal shared with family and friends. Yesterday was about as abnormal as they come. We chose to attend the evening service yesterday, and so we spent much of the day just being lazy around the house. Besides washing and detailing the car, I did nothing. And it was in that nothingness that I was able to reflect upon the day. We don't have children begging for Easter baskets; we don't have local family members to share the day with, and so it leaves us with a void. But this year, I think I needed that void. No distraction could keep me from focusing on what Christ did for me.
Check out this video...
It captures what this day is really all about.
Easter is a day of renewal--a day to recognize Christ's ultimate sacrifice. Without the cross, we would be a hopeless mess and then some. Without his blood spilled for our sins, we would be a lost nation.
Normally, Jesse and I stick to fairly traditional ways of celebrating Easter. The days begins with a powerful church service, and it's followed by a meal shared with family and friends. Yesterday was about as abnormal as they come. We chose to attend the evening service yesterday, and so we spent much of the day just being lazy around the house. Besides washing and detailing the car, I did nothing. And it was in that nothingness that I was able to reflect upon the day. We don't have children begging for Easter baskets; we don't have local family members to share the day with, and so it leaves us with a void. But this year, I think I needed that void. No distraction could keep me from focusing on what Christ did for me.
Check out this video...
It captures what this day is really all about.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
There have been specific times in my life when words have escaped me. When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers, and they aired the news in my Junior English class, I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. When Jesse got down on one knee, only one word came to mind. Beyond that one word, I had nothing. When Jesse's dad lay in a hospital bed as the beeping decreased slowly and ended in a long stream of sound, only a tear rolling down my cheek could communicate what I wanted to say.
The point is this--words are over-rated. That means a lot coming from a crazy talker like me. But I'm reminded daily of how powerful the absence of words really is. This past week, I have had absolutely no words. For anyone. Period. It's a funk, I'm sure, but right now...I'm thoroughly enjoying listening more than talking.
The point is this--words are over-rated. That means a lot coming from a crazy talker like me. But I'm reminded daily of how powerful the absence of words really is. This past week, I have had absolutely no words. For anyone. Period. It's a funk, I'm sure, but right now...I'm thoroughly enjoying listening more than talking.
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