Thursday, April 5, 2012


There have been specific times in my life when words have escaped me.  When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers, and they aired the news in my Junior English class, I couldn't speak even if I wanted to.  When Jesse got down on one knee, only one word came to mind.  Beyond that one word, I had nothing.  When Jesse's dad lay in a hospital bed as the beeping decreased slowly and ended in a long stream of sound, only a tear rolling down my cheek could communicate what I wanted to say.

The point is this--words are over-rated.  That means a lot coming from a crazy talker like me.  But I'm reminded daily of how powerful the absence of words really is.  This past week, I have had absolutely no words. For anyone. Period.  It's a funk, I'm sure, but right now...I'm thoroughly enjoying listening more than talking.

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