Tuesday, August 16, 2011

THANK YOU, Harris Teeter

Idle: (adj) habitually doing nothing or avoiding work; lazy.

The influx of online freedom has encouraged, if not forced, US citizens to become lazy. Gift shopping is literally done in as little as 1 – 2 – 3. Just look up at the top bar as you check out, and you’ll see it. Travel agents have been replaced with search engines offering super savings. Encyclopedia is just a long word that students don’t utilize anymore because of GOOGLE’s ability to retrieve answers in less time than it takes to say “I have a question.”

With all that said, I have a huge confession to make. I have taken this idle behavior one step further from the average Jo, and I participated in an activity that may cause some to shake their head. Ready for it?

Okay…I grocery shopped online!

It was amazing!!!! Oh my goodness, with the quick and easy click of the mouse, I "walked" down virtual aisles putting my groceries in my cart. No pushing or shoving to grab my favorite bread—no long lines at the cash registers. All I had to do was pick out my items online and drive to the store to pick them up.

I just saved one whole hour of my week! I can hear you thinking “She probably spent a fortune” …but NO! $4. Let me say that again…$4!!! Four buckaroos is well worth an hour of my time.

Call me idle, call me lazy. But most of all…call me one hour richer!

Did I mention it's curbside pick-up???? :)

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