Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear Blog, Take II

It rained Seaside today. No torrential downpours, just a misty blanket of wet, has settled over the DC Metro area. Tiny droplets cling to the few remaining leaves on the barren branches, and puddles are topped with nature’s red and yellow ornaments. A friend at work was trying to explain why today was “nasty.” She said, “It’s not dark out—it’s not light out—the blue is gone—it’s wet…” Before she could continue I interrupted and simply said, “It’s overcast.” Her response: “Oh! What a perfect word to describe all that!” Too bad I can’t take credit for an everyday term I grew up with!

Overcast days remind me of home. For my friend, this day is less than lovely, but for me—oh boy, this day is one of my favorites! We don’t get them often, so when we do, I take it all in. The air is cold—the kind of crispness that makes your nostrils flare and the tip of your nose to become rosy. The wind is still, leaving the droplets undesturbed to cling to every surface, including eye lashes. If I close my eyes, I can almost convince myself I’m standing in my front yard on 5th Avenue. It’s a Seaside day.

To top it off, we will be greeted by two of the most loveliest things when we return home this evening. One—a wiggly puppy who will stand up on his hind legs in anticipation of being picked up. Two—the scent of home. Thanks to my crockpot, dinner is making itself as we speak. Yummy potroast with homemade rolls. Mmmmmm.

The day may have started out rough (see my original blog for the day), but it sure has wrapped itself up nicely.

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