Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Helping the Hungry

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.
-Mother Teresa

Our youth group is currently in a series called Get Dirty.  We are reading through Nehemiah and opening our students' eyes to the world outside their own.  This past Sunday, we challenged our small group to see what they often ignore.  In a matter of minutes, we filled a white board of problems in the world and examples of people hurting. After we listed these problems out, I then challenged them to pick just one thing on the board they could individually help.  Bullying, arguing at home, hunger in Haiti, homelessness across the world, etc.  They soon realized it doesn't take a rich adult to help--a high school girl can do something for others.

To further challenge them, I asked them to select just one item--one project we can tackle as a group during this holiday season.  I was nervous.  I thought for sure they'd kick back on this idea, but they surprised me the moment I saw a twinkle in one of the students' eyes.  It was contagious.  As a group, we've decided to provide supplies to an orphanage in Haiti through a missionary working with Living Water.  I'm completely stoked about this opportunity, and I'm especially excited that these girls want to help.

Three days ago, these girls were thinking about what to wear to school or how to react when that cute boy asks her out...but now, they're also thinking about children who are hungry in another country. 

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