Friday, November 4, 2011

Sloooow Down!

Just yesterday I explained my lack of blog presence, and I have to admit, I squirmed in my seat as I wrote it.  I don't like making excuses, and I especially don't like admitting I'm too busy for friends and family.  This blog has never really been my thing--in fact, there are days I begrudgingly post a little blip, only doing so because I know my dad will log on to read it a couple hours later.  But it's those moments when I feel writer's block or realize my lack of photos is leaving me with nothing that I find a small piece of joy.  These silly little posts will never become famous like others (my favorite blog I follow is Enjoying the Small Things), but they are a way to communicate something important.  I care about you! 

Nothing has changed from yesterday as far as the amount of work piling up.  I debated on taking a photo of my list for today (which I can tell you is not going to be completed), but then realized it's not what's important. What IS important is that I stay focused on what matters.  Making time may not be possible, but I can try.

Yesterday was Jesse's parents anniversary, and I missed it.  Caught up in my suddenly overwhelming work load, I forgot to send a card.  I forgot to greet her in the morning with a note.  I forgot.  Family is most important, and I allowed work to consume me.  A lack of time isn't a sign of less love, it's just a sign of less effort.  Love isn't felt unless it's expressed, and I can't express it unless I make time.

Work will always be here, special little moments will not.  Piles will continue to grow skyward, but phone calls do not make themselves.  It all requires my effort, my attention, my attempt at making time.  I'm sorry for making excuses yesterday.


Jamie Stavenger said...

Aww, Heather! I love your blog! And TOTALLY understand the need for short hiatuses from time to time! The world won't stop turning... :) We love you!

ryanjess said...

Don't feel bad Cousin! I just spent the last few days doing what I like to call "mega posts" trying to catch up!