Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One of Those Days

Do you ever have days where you wake up, immediately knowing it's going to be one of those days?  Your head hasn't even left the pillow and you feel it.  For me, that not only means I'd rather stay in bed than face what may happen, but it also means I will stand in the closet and think I have absolutely nothing to wear.  I had three outfits on today before I finally settled on something, and for no reason other than it's one of those days.
blooms in autumn
Normally I'd question why today has to be it, but deep down I know.  I'm falling behind.  Just this morning, it was my first priority to go through my email inbox and fish out all the emails I'd been ignoring and actually respond to them.  It's going to take a good day or two to finish that marvelous project.  Jesse is working late hours, I'm working late hours, and Hutch is getting irritated at my lifeless body when he wants to play. 

BUT, enough with my complaining...Friday is a holiday!!!  Thank Heavens for holidays at the end of the week.  I won't have to pick out an outfit--my jeans and tshirt will do.  I won't have to face my bulging inbox--it can wait until Monday.  I can bake, clean, play with the dog, and spend some much needed time with Jesse.  Hooray!!!

So to One of those days: you cannot conquer me...after all, I DID pick out an outfit! 

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