Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All I Have To Do Is Dream

Each night, we lay our heads on our pillows, and enter a land where imagination runs wild.  For some, flying is the ultimate experience, but for others it's more personal.  Since Jesse's dad passed away, Jesse has played basketball with him, hugged him, had conversations with him, and most recently, won a tennis match while his dad looked on.  These doses of Dad keep him going.  Sometimes he wakes up with tears in his eyes, and other times he wakes up beaming with a smile. 

Does Jesus use dreams to allow missed loved ones to greet us in our sleep?  He certainly used dreams in the Bible.  David would never have become King if it hadn't been for his dreams and the gift of interpretation God gave him.  We won't really know whether or not that really is Gary visiting Jesse in his sleep until we reach Heaven, but for now, we're just thankful Jesse gets to spend time with his dad.

1 comment:

Jamie Stavenger said...

I love this. My brother died while I was pregnant with Kendall, and I've dreamed several times of him meeting her, playing with her, etc. It's like I've gotten to see him be the uncle he was excited to be! I'm thankful for dream visits :)