Thursday, September 15, 2011

You CANNOT Be Bored!

"Boredom is a choice," she always told us, and she usually followed it up with, "I'll give you something to do."  Holly and I both knew better than to ever say, "I'm bored."  Bored isn't in my vocabulary, and it never enters my mind.  Whenever I hear someone utter those two words, her voice pops into my head.

So, it was with much confusion when our own precious little dog told me, "I'm bored."  Well, his actions said as much.  Let's the past three days, Hutch has chewed off the corner of Jesse's brand new book (Sorry, Dick Cheney, guess your Time was up), he managed to create a nice fray on Jesse's belt, and now he's taken an interest in reading coffee table books.  Claude Monet and the Platinum Collection of LIFE are missing their covers and corners.  It's been a week of losses.  Hmmm..maybe he's just giving us a metaphor for our government's budget.

The first book casualty should've been a good enough sign that something was awry, but no...we had to wait until he'd destroyed three books and a belt.  We finally decided to take some action.  After all, we don't allow boredom in this household--boredom? What's that?  A not-so-quick trip to Petsmart has solved our problems (for now).  Old toys are safely stowed away for rotation (yes, tricks for children do work for puppies), and he has several new toys that have kept him running for the past three hours.  Poky the Hedgehog, Tippy the Tiger, Skip and Skoot the Squirrels who live snugly in a plush log (this is my favorite), a chewy bone, and a tasty pig's ear bone have all been welcomed with open arms. 

Our books are safe, at least what's left of them. 
Skip and Skoot say good night.

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