Thursday, December 20, 2012

Au Revoir, Virginia. Bonjour Minnesota!

Je ne veux pas travailler....and now I don't have to least for a couple weeks.  Hutch and I are plane-bound for Minneapolis this afternoon, crossing our fingers and toes the snow holds off until we get in.  Can't wait to get my arms around my cute little Kelton and the rest of my family.

Have a safe and merry Christmas!

***translation: I do not want to work.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Light the Candle and Wait

The end of the world is near...and no, I'm not talking about December 21st.  Though it did cross my mind that some folks may have intentionally avoided that day for their holiday travel.  What day did I book my boss' flight? You betcha!  He chuckled when I asked him if he was concerned about flying on the last day of our existence, and he said he'd rather be up in the air if the earth starts exploding.  My, my how our views of the end of the world are different. Here I'm afraid the pilot might suddenly disappear, and he's worried about aliens.

The headlines and newsreels these past couple weeks are a reminder that this world is aching for something more.  It wasn't a gun who ransacked the mall in Oregon or the terrified children in their classrooms.  It was two men, consumed by their sinful nature and self doubt and yearning for something more that caused horrific pain in so many lives.  Our country remains stunned and sickened in the safety of our homes as we continue to watch memoirs and tributes for the brave souls who stood up to cruelty.  I don't want to over-discuss this topic, as I realize it physically hurts to think about what happened on those awful days, but I can't help but see how we continue to move in the direction of an utter need for Christ's return.

The Bible makes it clear we won't know the day or the hour of His return, and "He'll come like a thief in the night." December 21st won't be the day, but my how I pray the day is soon.  Our need for grace grows each day, and our need for His holiness if even greater.  Sin is multiplying at a rapid rate, but continues to look so enticing to all of us.  Temptation is around every corner, disasters are happening every day around the world, and all we can do--Children of God--is to live each minute of every hour of all days like it's our last.

If I'm still alive to see Christ's return, it is my prayer that I will have been able to resist temptation and defy sin in the face at the very moment.  I hope the thief returns to find me searching His face rather than looking away.  There's a tradition here in the South to light a candle in your window to symbolize your love and devotion to the family members who are away from home.  It's not only beautiful to drive by and see an old Colonial home lit up with small flickers, but it's a good reminder of what our country is founded on.

There is a candle lit in the window of my heart; waiting for His return.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Our country remains shocked and grief-stricken over the horrific events of  this past week.   We cannot put into words how it makes us feel, and so many are left with one question: "Where was God?"

I don't have children, so I cannot even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child, especially in this way.  But the ugliness and cruelty is unmistakable.  And perhaps it's because I don't have a child that these claims of God being gone from school has hit me just as hard as the massacre of tiny babes.  There is no question that the teaching of religion and God has been sadly removed from our public school system, BUT, God was there among the chaos.

It was His hand that guided teachers into saving the lives of so many innocent little hearts.  It was God who comforted the terrified.  Sin is powerful, but God is stronger.  Satan is so good at blaming his work on God, and it's almost second nature for us to point the finger at the one saving us rather than the one swaying us.  I ache for the families who lost a loved one.  I hurt for the children who will have nightmares of that day.  And I cry for those who continue to think it was God who let this happen.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah."
 Psalm 46:1-3,7

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Making the 24 Count

I heard an interesting bit of news on the radio this morning.  President and Mrs. Obama are scheduled to host 24 holiday parties in the month of December.  That doesn't include the parties and galas they will attend rather than host.  24 parties.  I picture Michelle running into her over sized closet, frantically stripping off her gown and throwing it to the side so she can grab the next gown hanging on the satin hangar, clearly marked for the evening's event.  Her down-do turns into a quick up-do, new pumps are donned, and a new diamond necklace clasps behind her neck.  With a quick nod to the mirror, she grabs her wrap and briskly walks down toward the front corridor to greet her next set of guests. Two parties down, and maybe one more to go...and that's just one day. 

The holidays are a great time to celebrate family, friends, culture, and yes maybe even political ideals for some.  And while some may think 24 parties in one month sounds glamorous, I can't help but wonder if they even enjoy the events.  Do they really invest in the people they've invited into their big white home?  Do they find joy in picking the fancy menus and the presidential china it will be served upon?  Do their faces get tired from all of the sincere or insincere smiling?  How many clammy hands have they shaken as they greet their nervous guests?

I found myself wondering all this and more just from the simple radio story this morning.  I wondered what might happen if the President opted to host 24 unaired charities in the month of December.  What might happen if Michelle arrived to a shelter and distributed gifts to battered women and their children?  What would happen if President Obama sat in on a business lesson at the New York State Penitentiary where prisoners are trying to set their lives straight with education?  What would happen if the Obamas opened the White House to a couple dozen orphans and played White Christmas in their living room?

And then my random thoughts, now half way to work, wandered to my own responsibility during this season.  Why is it I felt like the Presidential family had an obligation for social justice and service, but my own name never came to mind?  I sit here tonight reminded that anyone can donate their love, time, and funds to someone less fortunate.  It may mean giving your hot leftovers to a homeless man curled into a fetal position on the frozen sidewalk.  It may look like sending a shoebox full of toiletries and toys to Africa.  It may require time behind a food line, spooning warm soup into metal bowls.  What I'm trying to say, in once again way too many words, is that anyone can serve. 

We may not all host 24 parties, but we do all have 24 days in December before Christmas comes.  It's what we do with those days that counts.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Flustered to Thrilled

Whoever says blogging is a waste of time or just another venue for self-centered complaints should come talk to me.  Oh, I have my moments of desparation when I hop on to divulge my latest catastrophe or annoyance.  And,I do write about unimportant topics like oil lamps, baking, and puppies.  Wait, did I just say oil lamp?  I do believe it may have slipped out before I intended, so I suppose I have to tell you the oil finally arrived!!!  Remember several weeks ago when I mentioned my treasure discovered in the Litchfield antique store?  And remember how I went on and on and ON about how important patience really is?  Yeah....well....thanks to that blog, I felt obligated to actually be patient.  So when I was informed the oil was damaged and wouldn't arrive on time, but rather a week and a half late...let's just say when I would have normally drooped my shoulders and let out an overdramatized sigh, I instead remembered that I'd practically boasted about my ability to be patient, so I better try it out for once...

And this is me...finally getting to be OVERJOYED about my new lamp BURNING in MY living room!!!!!  Take that, blog-doubters.  I actually learned something from my own little insignificant waste of internet space.

Today was a doozy of a day, but I think tonight is a good example of how God cares about the little things in life.  When I opened my front door, the To Do list was reeling out of control.  Before I put Hutch's leash on to take him outside, I was hunched over a long piece of paper writing down everything that needed tending to tomorrow.  It was as if those tasks might blow up in my head if they were not recorded.  Half way down the list, I remembered the box sitting on the counter...the oil had finally arrived!  What a perfect way to end my day!  And as if lighting the lamp had some magical powers, almost as if I'd rubbed its side and hoped for a genie, the stress melted away.  I'm pretty sure God knew I might just need a little pick-me-up after today's debacles.  And was He right!

Monday, December 10, 2012

3 Cheers for Sugar & Spice

I tackled a big project this weekend...well, two projects, really.
1. Finish making homemade gifts.  Check!
2. Bake for holiday gifts. Check!

Saturday wiped me out, but in such a good way.  Ten hours straight of baking, and the finished product is quite fun. Thanks to Martha Stewart's ingenuity and marketing campaign, I now have a fun way to deliver the cookies and fudge.

Christmas is coming...and I'm not sure if it's the goose or me that's getting fat.

And, if you still don't feel in the holiday mood...check out my favorite blog, and watch a dozen little feet discover the magic of Christmas...Click Here

Friday, December 7, 2012

Hellooo, Friday!

After a very full week, I'm pleased to know it's Friday morning.  I'm prepping for a big baking weekend, and wrapping up the last of my Christmas gift projects.  Yay!!!

<-- anymore="anymore" attacked="attacked" being="being" by="by" can="can" furry="furry" hairball.="hairball." lay="lay" lovingly="lovingly" my="my" nbsp="nbsp" on="on" p="p" t="t" this="this" tummy="tummy" without="without">

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dumpster Diving Success

Break out the paintbrush and yellow paint; I found me a chair!!!

(For those who are wondering if I've gone insane, I've been on the lookout for free chairs to complete my dining room set.  On my trip to the dumpster last night, this little baby screamed my name and asked me to take her home.  A little paint, some new upholstery, and she'll be good as new!  Only one more chair to go!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Being Available

It's so easy to get distracted by schedules and my own personal life.  This is easily one of my biggest flaws.  By the time the clock strikes 0700, I'm well on my way toward a day that requires my full attention.  Fill the dog bowl, water the plants, make the bed, respond to emails, prioritize duties, check in with employees, confirm scheduled meetings, prepare for scheduled meetings.  That all happens well before 0830, and by then, the real work starts rolling in...literally bearing the name Andy.  Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining.  I'm only saying that I get caught up in this cycle of "get it done well, and it will pay off."...The oh-so-famous words that run through most DC dwellers' minds.

This mentality is well and good until I realize the amount of time that has slipped by since I last spoke to a friend on the phone.  Or when I realize I never responded to a letter written to me...last month.  Being available is a struggle.  It's not until the dishes are washed, the dog toys are put away, and my pajamas are donned that I feel the repercussions of my mis-focus.  The truth of the matter is this: I am lonely.  And before you jump to conclusions, hear me on this.  For the first time in a very long time, I'm taking full and complete responsibility for this empty feeling.  It's no particular friend's fault for my loneliness or lack of contact. It's purely my own mistake in being unavailable myself.

I'd like to think I can turn this very bad habit around and turn it into a refocus of the people in my life and the things that truly matter.  What is life without loving others and making them feel special?  There is always someone more lonely than me--and I hope to find that person and make her feel loved.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Little Buddy

Last night, I had a little friend join me in watching Nashville.  I was laying on my tummy, and I felt this little creature move up my body and land just behind my shoulder.  He wanted to watch too!
(Notice he likes to hold my hand...)

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Waiting Game

Instant gratification is always nice. Okay, let's face it...most of us would prefer it over twiddling our thumbs while we wait.  I'm no exception to the rule--take this antique oil lamp for example.  When we found this treasure in the local Litchfield antique store, I was hyped.  I'm not exactly sure why I find its patent information so intriguing, but I love the fact that I have a treasure from 1898 sitting on my bookshelf.

Upon returning home from Minnesota, it was my first mission (on the same motivational level as the Christmas tree) to purchase wick and parafin oil.  I thought surely living in a historical area like Virginia, I'd have no trouble finding such items.  George Washington LIVED here for heaven's sake!  Unfortunately, I couldn't have been more wrong.  After three different attempts to find my supplies, I was forced to turn to the ever-so faithful internet. Thank you,, for always delivering.

The wick arrived yesterday, and I had barely set my bags down after work last night before I grabbed the lamp to set up my treasure.  I was relieved to find that the mechanisms still worked, and the wick fed right on through the metal teeth as I wound the tiny nob.  It was a good patent!  I placed it back on the shelf, proud of my purchase, and then...I waited again.  The shipping confirmation is sitting in my inbox, and the parafin oil can't come soon enough.'s such a lovely thing.  The day I get to burn my oil lamp will be a day of reward for my enduring patience...or at least my attempt at it.  I've only checked the shipping status two times today. That's pretty good, right? :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Storage is Back!

I bit the proverbial bullet and am showing my blogger love by purchasing storage.  Unfortunately this was after I deleted numerous 2009 posts in an attempt to make room.  Thanks, Megan, for the tip on Google Chrome. Believe it or not, I'd already filled that storage as well!  Haha. $3/month isn't going to put me into the poor house, so raise a glass to many more photos to come!

For now, to celebrate my expanded storage, here's the only new photo I had on hand.  Since returning home, Hutch's new roosting place is the couch arm.  I suppose he's wishing he was back in Minnesota, resting on their couch arm, watching the snowflakes fall.  Sorry, buddy...not happening here.

Have a fun Thursday!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What To Do, What To Do

Despite my efforts to clean up the blog and make room for more photos, Google is telling me I must purchase storage space in order to load more memories.  As much as I love posting photos, I can't see the need to pay $5/month for less than good camera photos that I stick on here...

Decision time...create a new blog or just fill these current pages with words....

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fa lalalala lala la la

My home has been lovingly Christmas-fied.  Despite the 18-hour drive home and my 11:30pm arrival time, I woke up Sunday morning with inspiration to decorate.  I may only have a tiny hall, but consider it decked.  After a quick run to Home Depot to buy my potted tree, I rediscovered the joy I get from fluffing garland and poking little splashes of red and silver throughout my home.  I kept it simple this year, and while I'd love to completely cover my entire home with Christmas cheer, I'm finding that sometimes the simpler the better.

I'd share a photo of my home, but I've run out of storage space. Hang tight, and I'll work something up.
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, November 26, 2012


Hutch on the 20-hr. drive to MN
This last week was perhaps one of the best weeks I've had in quite some time.  The look on my dad's face when he opened the front door was priceless.  I'm pretty sure it took him a good thirty minutes before he finally accepted the fact that I was there.

Hutch and I drove the twenty-hour trek to Minnesota; leaving at 3:30pm on Friday and arriving at 11:30am the next morning. If I said it was a breeze, it would be the giddiness speaking. But in all honesty, the further I drove from the busy city life, the more relaxed I became.

Surprises are always fun, and I think the world needs more of them...but it was the quiet evenings spent at home with my parents that I treasure.  We didn't do a lot--at least in big city terms--but boy did we enjoy spending time together. The daily hugs, the many laughs, the gentle tears, and sitting around the table sharing our blessings all made my week off into a treasure.

Thank you, Dad and Mom, for a week to remember.

Friday, November 16, 2012


As Miss Black would say, "It's Friday, Friday!" (Had to do it)

This week certainly had its moments of pure disarray--those moments when it feels like if one more thing gets put on your plate, you might combust into a cloud of black vapor.  But it also had its moments of victory.  Let's talk about those...

1.  Andy's basement flooded during Sandy, and the cleanup has been a process.  That isn't the victory, though I have to say, if I ever become a home owner, I will have some experience under my belt.  Andy doubted me when I told him he should make a claim with Home Owners.  I believe his exact wording was, "Heather, they're never going to give me a dime."  I told him to trust me and let me take care of it, which he followed up with, "Okay, Heather, I'll give you 20% of what they give me." Drum roll please....I made $1,200 this week.

2.  For some reason this season, I felt like being sick might be kind of fun. Having to curl up on the couch and stay home from work sounded good.  Call me crazy--I'll agree with you.  To demonstrate the craziness, I bought four different kinds of throat drops BEFORE I even had a problem.  Of course this was my demise because this week, my tonsils have been inflamed and throbbing.  I can't remember why I thought being sick might be fun...but the victory is that after three nights of early bedtimes, I think I have this under-wraps.  Thanks to lots of hot cups of tea and my ever available throat drops, I was prepared.

3.  I don't know that I have a third victory this week, but because I'm in the habit of listening to 3-point sermons, I figured I'd pop a third in here.  Victory number three will be that I watched less than one hour of television this week TOTAL.  How wonderful is that!?  Music has replaced the forgettable droll of television.

Well, that's all I've got for this crisp, cool morning.  I better tackle these stacks of papers so I can end this week with a fourth victory...ORDER.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


One word...Oofta.  This week has been quite something.  But as always, I strive on busy schedules, somehow getting my energy from the same source that takes it away. But I have to admit, my tank is low.

I suppose I come by them naturally, but nonetheless, sleepless nights are getting old.  There's no rhyme or reason to my nightly patterns. Sometimes my body resists falling asleep, and other times it wakes up in the middle of the night wide awake and defying slumber.  Sleep aids aren't an option unless I want nightmares, and the old West family remedy of warm milk and bread no longer does the trick.

I'm hoping the weekend provides the opportunity to catch up on those missing REM hours.

Here's to hoping!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Loved by Hugs

Cuddling is underrated.  There is no such thing as too many hugs or snuggles.  I'd go so far as to say that no one gets enough of them.  I'm reminded of how much I yearn to be cuddled every time Hutch inches his way toward my chest like a tiger in the grass.  His tiny front paws creep slowly, as if I might not notice the twelve pounds of weight moving up my body.  And just when he thinks I'm going to stop him, he swiftly plops down, rolls to his side, and snuggles up under my chin.  This is his evening ritual. Before too long, his little tummy rises at an even pace, and soft snores escape his fuzzy face.  Hutch needs cuddles.

Someone once told me the average person needs ten hugs each day to feel loved.  I sure hope this isn't true because it would mean 85% of the world feels unloved.  But it does have a point.

Why do I feel far from God sometimes? It's not because I can't see him--I know He's there.  It's not because He doesn't listen or answer--I'm astounded by the miraculous ways He answers.  I feel distance from God because He isn't holding me.  Sometimes I just need a hug.  The other night, I felt like a marble among mountains.  I felt tiny, insignificant, and most of all, I felt alone. I needed to be held, and so I prayed.  I asked God to hold me tightly--so tightly that I could feel it.  And you know what happened?  I didn't feel physically hugged, but I was overwhelmingly surrounded by peace and comfort.  I can remember the first time God blessed me with that feeling.

I was no older than ten, and my dog Fritz was injured.  I felt helpless and scared.  I prayed that God would take away my fears and make me feel better. It's amazing what a child's faith will ask for.  Instantaneously, I was covered by a blanket of peace.  I even tried to cry and feel scared, but I couldn't.  God had hugged me with His mighty comfort. Ever since that moment, I have prayed a similar prayer in moments of utter helplessness.  And every time, God has answered with a hug.

We don't have to inch up and sneak a cuddle like dear little Hutch does.  (Still not sure why he thinks I'm going to stop him--I love cuddling with my living stuffed animal).  If we find ourselves alone, and not in a place where we have someone physical to hold and hug, we have something far greater.  God's love is entirely too big for us to understand--we really are marbles among mountains...but I promise you, if you trust Him to hold you, you'll feel like a mountain held in glory.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


November is a beautiful month. There's something comforting about Fall, when the trees decide to release their vibrant colors, and children bundle up to wrestle in the piles of orange and red.  Pumpkins line the steps of neighborhood homes, welcoming hungry dinner guests as they approach the autumn wreathed doors. November is a great many things. It welcomes in cooler weather, encourages bountiful layers, and creates the opportunity to break out the fleece blankets from their cedar chests.

But what I so often and quite easily miss is that November is a reminder to be thankful.  As the invitation lists are set and families begin to plan for their Thanksgiving meal, the focus draws toward grocery lists and the stresses of family drama. Depending on their past, the holidays usher in both happy and painful memories, and we forget what the holiday is even about.

I wonder what might happen if we stop to really ponder on our blessings.  What are we truly thankful for...other than the latest and greatest TV we bought or the new pair of shoes we're wearing.  What might happen if instead of listing out the ingredients for Uncle Herman's pecan pie, we list out what we're thankful for.

Would life slow down and gain clarity? Might the world feel more real? Perhaps it might make us feel thankful instead of just be thankful.  So here I go...I'm taking a stab.  For the next week and a half, I am going to make a mental list of what I'm thankful for.  To start it out...

My Grocery Thankful List:
1. God's grace and mercy: Without it, I'd be a squished pumpkin.
2. Family & Friends: Without family and friends, these past three months would have been unbearably lonely.    Their support and love provides hope.
3. Safety:  Watching New Yorkers struggle through the two-hour lines for fuel and groceries makes me thankful for the convenience I experience daily.  I have a roof over my head, food in the cupboards, a reliable car, and heat that keeps me warm.
4. Reliable Job:  No job is secure anymore, but I'm so very thankful I can fall asleep knowing the bills are paid and I have a boss who looks out for me.
5.  Hope:  Jesus' sacrifice provides hope for the end of the day when it can sometimes feel like the world is closing in on you.  The battle is already won.
6.  Crafts: Yes, I'm thankful for them. Not only do they keep my hands busy, but they are a huge stress reliever at the end of a busy work day.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cookies, Candles, and ... a Comode?

This week has not been without unexpected surprises...and it's only Tuesday!  If the past two evenings are an indication of how the rest of the week will be, I better stock up on Tylenol and smiles.  Yesterday, I discovered a tick on Hutch's furry face and realized more than ever my inability to appropriately approach unexpected surprises.  (My father and mother are now shaking their heads and thinking she's just now figuring this out?)  The heart was pumping and mind racing for cures.  After an impromptu run to CVS to pick up supplies, the tick was plucked, and Hutch was looking at me in wonder as though he'd just endured Hurricane Sandy.  I admit it, when I tackle a problem, I don't mess around. 

This evening also had its own adventure...a broken toilet.  That's right--she decided to throw another party, and this time, she wasn't stopping.  The poor serviceman sweated over that toilet for two and a half hours, and she's still not quite complete.  At least I won't have a flooding toilet on my hands any longer...

The good news is this:  Hutch is bug-free and on preventative anti-biotics, and my apartment no longer smells like a dirty comode...instead it smells like delicious chocolate chip cookies and warm homey candles. 

Tomorrow is Wednesday...let's see what's in store!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Play Time

Sometimes Hutch gets in the mindset that his toys are going to "get him"...I finally captured a little bit of this on video.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Alive & Well

We survived the storm.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Thar She Blows!!

Friday continued to be a "special" day, as my toilet decided to bust into her own party at about 9:30pm.  Yes, my toilet is a girl.  Not only did she refuse to flush, but she decided to spray water everywhere.  After the service technician came and went around 10:30pm, and I'd scrubbed the floor with the most powerful cleaner I could find, I found myself again chuckling.  "What a day!"

And now it's Monday, and good ol' Sandy has decided to come over for dinner tonight.  Funny how uninvited guests seem to pop in.  Right now, it feels like an average Oregon Coast winter day, but for these soft-hearted Virginians, it's a CRAZY STORM. The winds should start up around 6:00pm tonight, so we'll see how it goes.  We're hunkering down and enjoying the beautiful storm!!!

Stay safe. :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's the Best Medicine

Not all mornings go as planned.  Apparently this was the week for unusual times...first sleeping past my alarm due to a finicky phone, and now losing power just at the same moment I go to grab my hairdryer.

It's these moments I like to laugh.
Make-up application in the dark, wet frizzy hair that's too short to pull back into a messy bun, and McDonalds oatmeal for breakfast.

Ahh yes, these are the moments to laugh.

Happy Friday

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thank You, Barack Obama...I Think...

When the cashier told me the total for my CVS purchase, I was a little stunned to see that my prescription was free.  She hunkered down and whispered, "Birth control is free now."  Boy, did she get the look from me.  I replied (in a not-so whispering voice)..."Honey, don't be fooled.  I just paid up the gazoo for this prescription to be free because now I'm paying for everyone's birth control who doesn't have a job."  She just laughed and said, "Ahh, well I know what side you're on."

Sides...that's what we've come to.  How in the world is this country going to move forward if all we are is a billion people choosing one side of the gym like an elementary PE class?

I'm a bit riled up from my CVS visit, as you see...but honestly...I'm in awe over this divide between our people. We are split into two groups--those who serve and those who want to be served.  I don't expect my federal government to use hard-earned tax dollars to pay for my prescription. I choose to be on that pill, and it's my responsibility to find a way to pay for it.  Why in the world, would it even cross my mind to expect them to pay? It's a complete conundrum to me.

So, now I have a prescription that's probably worth more now than it ever was before sitting on my counter, reminding me that our country is heading for some trouble. Fun times...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


As I knelt down on my knees and tied the leather straps of the Bible period sandals around Andy's calves, I couldn't help but chuckle and think what other assistant gets to dress her boss up as Moses for a Government meeting?  Not every day has adventures like this morning, but I must admit my job does hold many quirky spontaneous ice cream runs across the street, mid-day movie breaks at lunch, and of course Halloween costumes.

I'm thankful for my job. It's so easy to complain about the long hours and stressful tasks, but over all, I am blessed.  I work with wonderful people and have a boss who knows how to have fun.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday Trials

Happy Tuesday from Hutch
The morning started off rough, waking up to a noticeably sunlit bedroom and seeing I'd slept forty minutes past my alarm.  I grabbed my phone to then discover it had died over night...the new iPhone 5 is sounding better and better each day.  Hutch didn't understand why I rushed his tiny little legs to "move it" around the dog park, and he looked like I'd left in a whirlwind as I said my farewell.
But, despite the rush and panic of getting to work on time (still made it seven minutes early), here I sit.  Heart pumping and head still feeling the foggy leftovers from sleep, but ready to attack another busy day.  All I've got to say is, "Oofta!"

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's an Art

I often gauge a weekend's success by accomplishments and tiny red check marks. But this weekend, though very productive, can be quite perfectly described with this photo...

Hutch and I are steadily learning the art of relaxation.  "The art?" you might ask.  In which I would promptly respond, "Oh yes, let me tell you all about it."  For me, relaxing is difficult.  I can't sit down and enjoy a movie when I know there's a pile of clean clothes to fold, a wet load in the washer waiting for me to press the dry button, and still another pile of dirties waiting for their turn.  It's almost impossible to sleep in when I know I have to winterize the plants and remove the moldy pumpkin from my porch.  All must be done, and until it's complete, this silly mind and body of mine can't seem to enjoy the relax phase...until now.

The art of relaxation (at least in Heather's world) begins with a simple decision:  It can wait.  I realized that not all loads of laundry have to be cleaned, pressed, and stowed back in their rightful places in one single day.  The plants will be there tomorrow.  The dishes aren't going to blow up if I don't run the dishwasher tonight.  Hutch can play by himself and doesn't need to be entertained (this one is especially hard to learn).

Once I turn my mind away from the checklists, I light some candles, dim the lights, grab a cozy blanket, and nestle into a good book while relaxing on the couch.  The last thing on my mind is a pile of dirty laundry.  Relaxation may not come naturally to some, but with a little effort (ironic, yes), it can be done...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ducks, Metamorphosis, & Brain Matter

There's something comforting about the sound of whistles blowing, crowds cheering, and announcers talking non-stop about plays and records.  Football is just another must-have during Autumn, and I can't help but turn the channel to ESPN to catch an occasional glimpse.

I'm often in the kitchen baking up some sugary concoction while a game is on, but I have to admit it's one of my favorite sounds to have in the background.  But last night was different.  My plumper than normal rear end was stuck to the couch, and my eyes were glued to the set.  The Oregon Ducks schedule posted on my refrigerator (which happens to be held up with two Oregon sand dollar magnets) informed me a game was on--and I was ready.   I wasn't going to miss a single play during the Oregon vs. Arizona game.  Their Blackout had no chance.

Something you might not know about me...when I'm alone, I get into football.  The moment the first kickoff begins the game, my normally composed self morphs into a burly 40 year-old man sitting back in his recliner with a beer in hand.  Okay, so I don't have a recliner, nor does my hand hold a beer...but you get the picture.  The competitive ego emerges when no one is around to witness it, and I'm confessing now that last night, there were several fist pumps and whoops and woohoos.    Whenever the 40 year-old man takes over my regularly calm body, Hutch gets nervous and attacks me with kisses, probably trying to return me to my regular self... and it works...until my team scores another touchdown.

Anyways, what I'm leading up to with my long-winded four paragraphs is that last night got me thinking about how I act alone versus when I'm with others.  Why am I more comfortable throwing fist pumps when I'm alone and not when others might see the silly me come out? Where is my confidence when friends or family are around?  It's not a lack of trust in them...unfortunately I think it's truly a lack of trust in myself.

So there you have gets the blood pumping, the arms moving, and even the head thinking.  Who knew?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dull & Mushy

My brain is out of practice.  Without exams and research papers, I’m afraid it’s gone to mush.  Now, instead of excelling in historical facts and grammar etiquette, my brain recalls names of military officials and IT processes. Ask me about the components of a network, and I could break that puppy down in a matter of minutes.  Ask me who shot JFK or what year WWII ended…and you’ve lost me.  The fact of the matter is I’ve forgotten much of my school history, science, math, and yes…English.  I’m out of practice, and painfully showing.  
I decided it was time to begin challenging myself again.  The road may take me by way of an online class or a weekend course at a community college. But for now, it’s taken me to  I’m strengthening my brain function daily by doing silly little puzzles.  The funny thing is…I’m already improving!  Check it out at:
It only takes about five minutes each day (or more if you buy the package rather than doing it free like me), and it’s quite amazing to see how fast you improve.  Get ready to pull out your math skills and memory game techniques—the game is on!  Operation Brain Sharpen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


This little guy has become quite the little cuddle bug. I awoke this morning to a little face nestled between my shoulder and ear.  It means washing my pillow cases every other day, but that's okay. I'll take a cuddle any day of the week!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jesus: 10...Sin: 0

When the heart hurts, sometimes it literally throbs. A sharp pain stabs at the inner walls and wants to break free, screaming loudly and releasing the pressure built within.  Yet the only escape from pain is to take a deep breath, let the tears roll, and focus on God's grace and mercy.  I can't imagine what Jesus felt on that cross.  The amount of sins and hurts pressing down on Him was larger than the world, and yet he hung there, pierced and broken, taking it all in for YOU, for ME, for ALL.

I hurt right now--deeply.  I've disappointed loved ones.  Friends have chosen to let go.  Silence is deafening.  And yet--and yet--my pain is nowhere close to the pain Jesus bore on that cross from the very things I've done and the very things done to me.  Sin is mighty. It is big.  It is real.  But Jesus Christ MY Savior is mightier and so much BIGGER.

So while the stabbing pain in my heart feels crippling at times, I have strength knowing that I am saved from the very things causing that pain.  It can't rule me. It can't beat me.  The fight is already WON.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Taking a Stab

After Hutch's last adventure at the groomer's, I decided perhaps it was time to try the technique myself.  I'm no professional, and I have a LONG ways to go before I'll feel like the end result is up to par....

The clippers will come out again tonight so I can clean up some rough spots, but otherwise, he's looking alright.

He's cute no matter what in my opinion...I'm not biased at all.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


You know that second right after you tell someone just exactly what you think of them?  In the moment, it unfortunately feels marvelously gratifying--like ice cream melting in a cone and dripping down your chin good--but it's the very millisecond afterwards that the ice cream sours and the only thing you want is to wash your face.  I regrettably am prone to this spill of words when they are least needed.

It's so eloquently put in You've Got Mail: "Someone provokes you, and instead of just smiling and moving on, you ZING them. Hello, it's Mr. Nasty."

I'm reading through the book of John, and the power in those red letter words is quite something.  No matter the time or day, Jesus always says something that hits home.  John 8 and the account of the Pharisees judging the adulteress woman reminded me of the many times I judge others when really I should take the plank out of my own eye.  Who am I to judge them, let alone express that judgement to their face?  Oofta--I am surely a work in progress.  I'm Mrs. Nasty hopefully on a narrow road to Mrs. Hold-Your-Tongue-And-Change-Your-Heart.

And as a quick side note, a special verse keeps repeating over and over in my head this week:  "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."  Maybe someone else can find comfort in it as I have.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sore Tootsies

After a quick, minor surgery, Hutch is back to his normal self.  Three of his little toenails were cracked and revealing the quick, so he was in a bit of pain.

He's all better now, thanks to a quick fix and some pain meds.

He's still a little cutie.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apple Pickin

Virginian valleys looking out upon the Shenandoah Mountains

Apple orchard

Hutch enjoyed the apples just as much as I did

Thursday, September 13, 2012


His toes hang over the edge of the pond, and he peers into the clear water.  His hand reaches up to his face, his reflection following example, yet he sees not himself, but a younger boy.  The boy he once was.  Know what movie scene I'm recalling?  Peter Pan discovers the boy inside him in Hook when he sees a younger reflection in Neverland.
I thought about this scene last night when Hutch noticed his own reflection in the sliding glass door.  His tail hinted a wag as he hunched down in his attack mode.  Then as if he was shocked by some electrical current, he jumped straight back and started running around the living room.  His reflection was bound to chase him, right?  He did this for a good twenty minutes last night. Unfortunately I didn't get it on video.
When we see our reflection in the mirror, what do we see?  I know in the morning time, I'd rather not even see what's inside the mirror, but what would happen if someone were to shine a mirror to my heart?  What would be reflected?  I think there'd be a great multitude of images displayed: love, fear, joy, anger, brokenness, defeat, passion, and so much more.  Why is it we hide our heart away from the it because we're afraid what we might see or because what others might see?
Just like Peter Pan discovered the boy inside, and like Hutch was most certain he had a playmate, perhaps I can discover what is inside my heart and face it head on.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Apple Pie for Breakfast

Seeing as it's officially Autumn here in Virginia, I thought it appropriate to bake an apple pie to welcome in the new season.
It is now only 8:30am, and the office has another thirty minutes before it officially opens.
Perhaps I should've baked a bigger pie...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Target was boasting fall colors before summer had even begun, but I think it's officially Autumn when nature says it herself. And guess what? She SO said it today.  On my drive in to work today, a perfect V flew over top me.  The geese are headed south, and Heather is headed to the closet to boast her Fall wreath.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Love is Patient. Love is Kind.

There are specific moments in time when I can see God's hand.  Literally see how He healed, answered, or changed.  There is no question in my mind that He cares about both the small and the big.  It was Jesus who opened His arms to the children when the adults tried to shoo them away.

God is both good and just.  He is both merciful and faithful.  His love is unconditional and gracious. He is patient.  He is kind.  He is loving. And He is my Father.

In moments of pain and doubt, it's these truths that keep my head above water.  When the walls seem to close in and the darkness surrounds every part of me, it's knowing that God has already won the battle that gets me through.  There's no question that this past month has been the most difficult time of my life.  Decisions have been larger than mountains, boundaries have been heavy bricks to build, and pain has been a constant stabbing in my heart.  But through it all--through it ALL--God has answered and provided.  He's opened doors when I knew not where to go. He provided paths when I felt lost in a thicket.  He comforted in the darkest hour.

Jesus is faithful.  He is my Father.

Monday, July 30, 2012

From the Weekend

Hutch made some friends over the weekend....
Getting manis & pedis

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Guess who flew into DC today?  Yep, the ONE AND ONLY Judy West Nelson.  Hip hip hooray!!!!
Oh, and we've already gotten to enjoy homemade blueberry cream cheese muffins and a scrumptious dinner.
Wish you could be here too, Dad.

Monday, July 23, 2012


I'm not the only one who's excited for my mom's visit tomorrow...Hutch won't leave the guestroom.

Friday, July 20, 2012


The week in REWIND:
* We topped 100 degrees 4 out of the 5 days
* Jesse went to the Nats vs. Mets game yesterday on a work outing
* We harvested five tomatoes, and they are delicious
* The meeting I prepped was an absolute success and will benefit our company in a great many ways
* Hutch's new favorite toy is an empty water bottle
* 45 lbs of candy was delivered to my office yesterday...NES picnic here we come!
* I met a gentleman yesterday who offered to let me ride their horses anytime I want...hooray!

I think that's about it for the highlights, as simple as they may be.  We are looking forward to a weekend of rest and getting ready for a special visitor next week!  Can hardly wait!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Not sure if it was Jeanette Oke's influence or the peaceful drives on Lewis & Clark Rd. that stirred a desire in me to own a farm.  Whatever it was, that dream still exists today.  Whenever I find myself on a country drive, meandering through foothills and sprawling valleys, I can't help but imagine how it might feel to wake up to my own piece of land.  I will never be a city girl, and while I'm not a naturally-born farm girl, I definitely have the drive to "get 'er done."
My cow sits up on my shelf at work, causing several inquiries.  All I say is, "I love cows." But in all honesty, I love what cows mean...besides the fact that they have BEAUTIFUL eye lashes.  It means a simpler life--slow paced, hard working, gratifying purpose.  They mean lemonade on the porch, knowing your neighbors, living off the land God created.  Cows mean unexpected hardships, conquering achievements, and lifelong lessons.  Cows mean country, and the country is my heart.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Must Clean. Must Bake.

Last night felt like college finals week all over again.  There was no homework or studying to be done, but there was an unending focus on one big, and very important project at work.  We go in front of a military branch this week to propose a design, and whose job is it to get all of the supporting data together?  Yours truly...and she's truly pooped.
Fifteen Excel reports later, and I think I have it set, but oh boy, am I tired of crunching numbers and adjusting cells.  I've used more math skills these past two weeks than I have in the last five years.  It's so excessive that I called my dad to tell him he'd be proud of my use of percentages and fractions.
So, just as I used to do during finals week, last night I reverted to my two favorite stress relievers: baking and cleaning.  The bathroom had no chance against my rigorous scrubbing.  The flowers are deadheaded and looking perkier than ever.  My kitchen counters and stove top haven't sparkled like this in ages.  My coworkers are enjoying some tasty banana bread this morning.
The body is a curious thing (at least mine is).  There I was, extremely tired, yet the last thing I could physically do was sit down and rest.  I was itching to release the stress and frustration.
I think I prefer my stress relievers...everyone benefits!
On a lighter note...Hutch is doing better.
Mr Independent

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Speed It Up A Little!

William Asher, the director of I Love Lucy, passed away yesterday.  His television show has made millions of people laugh until their bellies hurt, and I am no exception.  I spent hours watching reruns of Lucy getting herself into binds.  I named my parakeets Fred and Ethel.  I have an entire storage bin dedicated to all of the I Love Lucy paraphernalia I've collected over the years.  It's safe to say I am a fan.  William Asher claimed the egg scene as his favorite from the hundreds of episodes with Lucille Ball.  Ricky came home unexpectedly, causing Lucy to hide dozens of eggs in her dress.  Ricky suggests they practice their dance, and as they come in to meet each other, the eggs get smashed and begin to ooze from every seam and fold of her clothing.  It was a great scene.  One of my favorites is the Chocolate Factory and Lucy and Ethel try to keep up with dipping chocolates as they pass on the conveyor belt. And because the pace of the scene is quite fitting to my own work week, I thought why not include a quick little photo of a wonderful television show. Thank you, William Asher, for bringing many happy tears to my eyes and making me laugh.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

An Unexpected Saturday

As I learned from Secret Garden, "Pride goeth before the fall."  I should have kept this in mind on Saturday morning as I boasted to my dad about how the Groomer we use for Hutch is nothing but the best.  You can imagine my shock and utter surprise when the groomer apologized profusely for cutting Hutch's paw.  It wasn't until half way home I realized there was blood spotting my jeans and quickly understood that this so called "cut" was a tad bit more serious than I was led to believe.  Jesse and I bandaged him up to try to get the bleeding to stop, and I have to say it was difficult to know what to do as this was the first time Hutch actually acted like something was wrong.  At first he avoided me all together--after all, I was the one who took him to that place. (I'm chuckling don't worry).  After he got over that mood, then he wouldn't leave my side.  Whether he was snuggled up in his bed, as I sat beside it, or he was cuddled up in my lap...he just wanted love.  (Typical sick boy).
Thankfully the bandage & pressure worked, and his paw is healing up nicely.  Not so sure we'll be returning to that "nothing but the best" facility though...

Friday, July 13, 2012

It's Friday, Friday.

We made it through another work week! This one was a doozy and required numerous napping sessions, but the point is, we made it!

Our God is Greater was playing on the radio this morning, and only seconds into the prelude, my hand was up (of course I had the other hand on the wheel since I was driving down the road). Overwhelmed by His bigness, I couldn't help but realize that my little insignificant life is just a morsel compared to God's power.  "Our God is greater, our God is stronger. God you are higher than any other. Our God is healer; awesome in power. Our God, Our God. And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what could stand against?"

Our GOD.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Standing Post

Though a bit dark, you can see Jesse and Hutch standing post at the balcony door, watching the storm.  This was from a couple weeks ago when the DC area got slammed (quite literally) with the massive storm that wiped out power and destroyed hundreds of homes.  The light you see in this picture is only coming from the lightning outside--that is how bright and huge it was!

And to think our God is even bigger than that!!! :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ain't Got Time For a Fast Train

News of the day:  My ticket to Oregon is purchased!!!!  I finally get to spend some time with Holly, Kent, and that sweet baby boy, Kelton.  Woohooo!!!  The best place on earth, here I come!

It's a good thing summer days are long because I'm sleeping them away.  I can barely get my feet in the door at the end of the day before my body demands me to take a nap.  The boys in my house are deeply neglected these days. Dinners have been drive-thru Wendy's or mac n' cheese with hot dogs.  Hutch hasn't gone for a walk in several days.  My home looks like the DC storm came inside.  And yet, all I can do about it is sleep some more. Sure hope these doctors give my body a talkin' to:  "You must stay awake!"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Morning

With few words on my mind, thought I'd just pop in and say a quick hello.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Movie Review

We Bought a Zoo
Though not his typical role, Matt Damon captures a desperate, single father's heart in this inspirational film. Based upon a true story, you will find yourself thinking that perhaps it's not so absurd that an average Joe might buy a zoo.  (In fact, I'm inspired to begin searching for my own plot of land and family of endangered species to adopt.  Not quite, but almost!)  We selected this movie from the rental list because the trailer appeared witty, but when tears were rolling down my cheeks within the first ten minutes, I knew it was more complex than a family comedy. Scarlett Johansson pulls off a young, unsocial zookeeper, and Maggie Elizabeth Jones steals the show with her bright expressions and seven year-old charm.  Stepping away from the typical Hollywood star-powered plots, We Bought a Zoo draws its audience in with simplistic and realistic family conflicts such as teenage rebellion, losing a loved one, and seeking a dream when everyone around you insists that it's impossible.  You will laugh, choke back tears, and feel warm to the core after watching this movie.  Definitely a must-see for all ages, both men and women alike!

Note: I do realize that my talents do not include writing movie reviews, but wow, do you need to see this movie!

Friday, July 6, 2012

My Way or the Highway

Some folks here at work tease me for always getting what I want.  As much as I chuckle at their jests, deep down, I really don't like it.  I picture myself as a three year-old girl, hands on my hips with pigtails to boot--pouting, demanding, and tears billowing over the rims because I want my way.  But in all honesty, they do have a valid point.  If there is an issue at work where we need to win over a customer, or get a price reduced, or even get a restaurant to deliver to the office when in reality they don't deliver, they "sick" Heather on them.  I'm ashamed to say I have a knack for getting my way...

Yesterday was a battle with doctors.  Trying to get appointments with various specialists is all fine and dandy if your General Practitioner provides referrals. But if not, well, you're left on a crick without a paddle (that doesn't sound right...I'm sure my parents will correct me the next time we speak).  To make my long story short, I finally got through to my doctor that I needed these referrals in order to get my issues (don't ask, it's a laundry list) figured out.  And much to my surprise, she said, "Okay, I'll get those to you right away."  Needless to say, after hanging up the phone, I ran down the hall to my friends' office and started jumping up and down saying, "I got it! I got it!"  Their response? "Of course, Heather. You always get what you want."

Well...this time I couldn't argue...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth!

We watched this beautiful show from our couch last night, thanks to the local broadcasting network's Capitol Fourth show.  What a fun way to enjoy the concert and fireworks display in a comfortable way--it beat the 100 degree weather that's for sure!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shrug It Off

When it feels like the door is slammed in your face or the best flavored candy is just out of reach, sometimes it's best to trudge forward and open the door and shrug it off.  For whatever reason, this week has already had its challenges.  As much as I'd like to sit here and mope and tell you why you should feel sorry for me, I think perhaps the better attitude may be to just "suck it up."  Life is never going to go as planned. Life is never going to be what we'd imagined, but it can be what we make of it.
Here is to making this day good...and to start it off, this photo is newly tacked onto my wall...
He looks a whole lot like Holly here!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stayin' Cool

These days, we're just trying to stay cool.  Lots of ice in our drinks, shades pulled to block the sun, plenty of pool trips, and sprawling out on cool surfaces (that one is Hutch's).

I love summer!!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Before & After

For those following the news, we are A-Okay after the crazy storm that passed through our area last night.  Over one million homes are without power, but God had grace on us, and we're so very thankful for the cool weather and working refrigerator.
But despite it all, I was still able to get my hair done today! :)  I was in need of some CHANGE...
But first, I just have to say that my mother-in-law has had an impact on my wardrobe ever since her last visit.  I've never been much for accessorizing or even mixing and matching apparel. But after she took me to the mall and showed me how it's done, I think I've got the hang of it.  I thought of her this morning as I got dressed and accessorized my outfit...I'm liking this cute belt I found for $4!


We are getting ready for the second storm to roll through this evening...Batten down the hatches!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

New Baby On the Block

I love babies. Round ones, tiny ones, girl ones, boy ones. I just love babies. So it was much to my excitement when I realized our neighbors were expecting. As her due date drew nearer, we'd laugh about how I was just as excited as they were to greet a new Little into the world. Little Sophia was finally born on Sunday, and oh how fun it was to meet her on Wednesday!!! She's a tiny beautiful little girl, and I'm excited that she is a big reason I've had the opportunity to get to know her parents. DC isn't the friendliest of places and meeting people can be difficult....but babies? Apparently they aren't just cute and cuddly...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Remember When...

Memories are like little pockets of joy forever on the waiting list to be plucked up and embraced.  Ever since the beginning of man, we have told stories of our past.  Legends, fables, histories--we find satisfaction in recounting what has been and what it means for what will be.
In my pockets, I have a handful of memories I hold close to my heart.  They are the kind that make a smile flash across my face in an instant of remembering.  Summertime always brings these snippets of time forward, and I'm often plunged back into time where I'm floating on my giraffe floaty in Cultis Lake, or camping in the backyard with Holly while we turn our ordinary yellow tent into a fortress fit for a queen.  A whiff of sunscreen (it has to be the right one, mind you), and I'm sent reeling back to Cannon Beach with Kapri, my best friend.  Memories are not only fun accounts of the past, but they are times to remind us of from where we've come.  Always moving forward, memories keep us grounded in the whys and the whos.  Why did we make that decision?  Who was there when we went through that?
I don't really have a point to my ramblings today, but I found myself overwhelmed with memories this morning.  On my drive in to work today, I was really sitting in the car, parked at the Cove, visiting with my mom about teenage girl stuff.  Because you see, it's those memories that have made me exactly who I am today.  They are my pockets of joy.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Toddlers graduate from their cribs into tiny child-size beds while my "toddler" has graduated into his own cushy pillow. Hutch has never had a bed of his own.  Blankets have been his sleeping aid, but he made it quite clear to us that he wanted something else...
Don't believe me?  Come on over to our home and watch him wrestle the crate pad out of his kennel, drag it into the middle of the living room, and lay on it.  Yes, we figured it was time Hutch had a bed.
Last night we were gone for the evening, leaving Hutch the full reign of the house and his new bed. When we returned, we found that he'd dragged his new bed from the living room to in front of the door.  Apparently our dog is particular with his comfort.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ahhhh, Quiet

If there is one thing I like about air conditioning, it's the mask of sound it places over all others.  Jesse would insist that it's good for only one thing--keeping us cool.  But seeing as I'm sitting here swaddled in a blue fleece blanket due to the AC, I think I'll continue to beg to differ.  Other than the clicking of my keyboard, all I hear is the whir of a fan, and it's lovely.  Street sounds don't exist--they have no chance of reaching my earlobes.

Peace is highly underrated.  It's Friday night, and I'll bet most people my age are seeking a hot spot filled with loud music and large groups of people.  After all, who doesn't want to start off the weekend by getting hammered by too many shots of Apple Pucker? (that's sarcasm for those of you who just gasped by my worldly comment).  But me?  I am perfectly content sitting here on my cushy red couch, swaddled in the mask of our AC fan...and the blue blanket to combat the chilly air.

Yes, life is good when it's simple. 

Random At Its Best

I was perusing my photos and stumbled upon some fun ones. Thought I'd share...
Hutch's first day with us
Holly & Mom at Abel & Kara's wedding

Visiting Grandpa Nelson at the rehab center
Fish pedicures!!!
Donna putting on her new earrings from Gary
Have a great weekend!!! Hope your weather isn't as hot as our SCORCHER.